"Bariatric surgery for medical necessity – is certainly permissible by halacha"
Following the judgment of the Hgr"n Karelitz to ban bariatric surgery due to sabotaging the body, a well known health activist explains: "The ban is only when there is no real medical need - such as blood pressure or cholesterol"
- Shlomo Greenberg, B'Chadrei Charedim
- ג' טבת התשע"ג

The decision of Hgr"n Karelitz, first published in B'Chadrei Charedim, about the widespread phenomenon of bariatric surgery, continues to make waves.
Hgr"n ruling did not completely ban the surgery, because he said that as long as he had not heard the doctor's position on the matter, he could not decide clearly, and yet his mind tended to ban - because the person is injuring oneself.
The first reference to the above was explained this week by one of the well known medical functionaries that the very making of the bariatric surgery, is only when a person is in a dangerous situation due to the fats in his body.
"Despite the fact that the surgery is risky, the doctors weigh out the pros and cons, that it is better to do the surgery rather than the current situation, in terms of blood pressure and cholesterol and other problems of fats, then it is better to do surgery. And therefore even if it halachically forbidden, it is concerning only when it comes to just diet but on the health aspects it is most certainly allowed."
In conclusion he noted that since each medical case is different from the other, one must consult personally on each case.
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