כ"ו אייר התשפ"ד

Ashdod rabbis decided: demonstrations, political pressure and economic boycott of 'Big'

Ashdod Rebbes and rabbis gathered this evening and announced the opening of a struggle against 'Big' mall on Shabbos. Among the steps: boycott of entities affiliated with the company, Shabbos mass prayers and leaving the municipal coalition

Ashdod rabbis decided: demonstrations, political pressure and economic boycott of 'Big'
הביג באשדוד, "חילול שבת המוני"

Shabbos war in Ashdod: the southern city's rabbis gathered this evening (Monday), at a meeting in which it was decided to adopt economic sanctions against the 'Big' company which operates a mall in the city on Shabbos.

At the meeting convened community rabbis and Rebbes of the city of Ashdod, and expressed protest against the opening of the 'Big' center on Shabbos at the city gates. At the end of the meeting, a series of decisions were taken in light of which the entire Haredi community across the country will act in order to tilt the shoulder and join the battle for the sanctity of Shabbos.

The meeting held this evening at the Beis Midrash Vizhnitz in the city, was attended by the Rebbes of Melitz, Pittsburgh, Shomrei Emunim and Tolna and the Rabbonim Hageonim: Rabbi Shmuel David Hacohen Gross, Rabbi Chaim Pesach Horowitz, Rabbi Meir Cohen, Rabbi Eliyahu Suissa, Rabbi Shlomo Jerez, Rabbi Zemach Baruch Rabinowitz, Rabbi Hagai Moshe Tzin, Rabbi Elazar Stern, Rabbi Chaim Kalmanovitz, Rabbi Meir Moyal, Rabbi Avraham Ben Hamo, Rabbi Yaakov Cohen, Rabbi Ovadia Dahan, Rabbi Shmuel Shitrit, Rabbi Avraham Nahman Gutterman and Rabbi Daniel Ben Abu.

The conference, initiated by chairman of Mishmeres Hashabbos Ashdod, Rabbi Yonah Ehrlich, was made in view of the continued desecration of Sabbos at the 'Big' complex, and whose owners refused so far to meet with rabbis and discuss their request to close the trading complex on Shabbos.

The meeting was opened by the Gur Rabbi, Hagaon Rabbi Shmuel David Hacohen Gross who said that the opening the mall 'Big' is a new era, since it is a huge business complex that attracts thousands of customers every week from the region, with mall owners basing their main activity on commercial activities on Shabbos. For this purpose, much capital was invested in a huge publicity campaign calling for all residents of southern communities to arrive at the mall on Shabbos.

"The continued operation of the mall on Shabbos is a disgrace to the city," said the Rabbi who noted that furthermore, "There is already a considerable influence of the mall which made additional stores which were previously closed on Saturdays, open one after another".

He stressed that the demand also includes the closure of other commercial centers in the city in recent years, although the opening of the 'Big' center is considered a quantum worlds and is changing the face of the city and damages its character and the fabric of life of its inhabitants.

However the rabbi noted that the owners of 'Big' are not 'mumarim lehachis', 'lete'avon' and that is because they base their activities on high incomes generated, seemingly, by business activities on Shabbos. "Therefore, there is no alternative and the most effective method is not only to demonstrate and express pain, but to take measures and economic sanctions under which the profitability of the 'Big' group will be harmed, which will lead to the company's management will finally show the required willingness to close the compound on Shabbos."

Thereafter, the representative of the Rabbinical Council Rabbi Moshe Levkowitz, spoke, and presented reports and balances that reflect the business activities of the 'Big' group, and which were prepared with the help of economists and accountants. The data showed that known bodies such as 'Migdal' insurance company, Bank Hapoalim and other series of capital and pension funds who base their operations on the haredi sector, are invested in the business of 'Big' by high percentages, in addition to bonds bought by many of the haredi community and by which the hundreds of millions of shekels have been invested in the 'Big' compound, were recruited.

"In case a call comes out by rabbis to retract investments and to cut off all contact with the business activities of Big," said Rabbi Lefkowitz, "and the message will be transferred by the insurance agents and managers of the institutions that manage pension funds through these companies, then the message will have the strongest impact in the minds of the owners of 'Big' who will be required to make the decision: whether to continue and work on Shabbos and thus risk a collapse, or to cease operating on Shabbos immediately."

He noted that the entire activity will be accompanied in accordance with accepted professional opinion from Attorney Yaakov Weinroth and CPA Shlomo Ness regarding the legality of ways of activity and according to which the next steps will be examined.

Alongside the call directed to the wealthy, holders of policies and pension funds, the call signed by rabbis and Rebbes of Ashdod was posted, calling on the entire Haredi community across the country to exclude themselves from the 'Big' malls all over the country, whereby the message will be transferred to the management of 'Big' to cease desecration of Shabbos immediately. A special call is directed to educators and administrators to transfer this instruction to their students.

Further on, a discussion was held between the rabbis who expressed their views about the nature of the protest, when it was decided to declare the next Shabbos as a Sabbos of outcry which will rise from all synagogues, followed by a prayer to be held in a central position in the city center on a week day. Then, there will be mass Shabbos prayers in the street in Ashdod attended by all townspeople whereby they will express their protest in the honor of Shabbos.

According to the instruction of rabbis, it was determined that starting from now, a special committee consisting of Rabbi Haim Ben-Hamo, Rabbi Yona Ehrlich, Rabbi Moshe Lefkowitz, Rabbi Meir Moyal and Rabbi Daniel Ben-Abu will operate, and will organize mass prayers and rallies in protest, after meeting with all Gabaim of synagogues, rabbis of neighborhoods and maggidei shiurim in the city.

The Rabbis also called on Mayor Dr. Yechiel Lasry to work through all available means to close the 'Big' complex on Shabbos, when in the event that this requirement was not met, there is no alternative than the withdrawal from the coalition of the haredi factions.


'בחדרי' גם ברשתות החברתיות - הצטרפו!

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