כ"ו אייר התשפ"ד

"They fought over Savta for half an hour" • grandson of the elderly woman speaks

For more than half an hour volunteers of the rescue organizations quarreled over the treatment of the grandmother of Yitzchak Leader • In a special interview Eli Shlesinger - he describes the shame

"They fought over Savta for half an hour" • grandson of the elderly woman speaks

"Only a miracle saved my grandmother," said today (Monday), a family member of the elderly woman – in whose house volunteers of the rescue organization clashed last night .

As reported here – yesterday volunteers of the rescue organizations in Bnei Brak fought, during treatment of an 80 years old elderly woman, in need of evacuation to the hospital.

"For half an hour they quarreled and delayed evacuation of my grandmother to the hospital by twenty minutes," says Yitzchak Leader - grandson of the elderly woman to B'Chadrei Charedim and states that it is "a miracle that it did not end in disaster."

Leader was not there, and when his grandmother felt unwell, his aunt called Magen David Adom to call an ambulance to evacuate her to the hospital.

"My aunt told me," he reports, "that a few minutes after she called MDA about seven Hatzalah medics arrived, and began to form general medical examinations.

"A little later a volunteer of Hatzalah Gush Dan, affiliated with MDA came and asked to treat my grandmother, but the volunteers who were present did not allow him to participate in the treatment, and there was a little jostling.

"In the middle, one of the Hatzalah volunteers, came to the door, and locked it from the inside, as if it was his private home."

We couldn’t get out the house

"A short time later, my aunt heard ringing at the doorbell, went to the door and said that there are enough staff and there is no need for more, a Hatzalah volunteer backed her and said there was no need to open, stating that it was political.

"When my aunt heard through the door that they are saying that it is an ambulance driver, she opened the door, and two members of the MDA team went inside.

"My grandmother," he says, "heard shouting and cursing outside the house, things she is not used to hearing. Clearly it did not add to her medical condition. By miracle her condition did not deteriorate. The ambulance driver called the police who reached the scene; it was an embarrassing spectacle to do so with neighbors looking on.

"After the short treatment at home, they tried to leave the house to transfer her to the ambulance but the street was full of cars and people, which did not allow the evacuation. Only after about 20 minutes when things calmed down, she was taken to the hospital.

"I know this is dirty politics," says the grandson, "but I will do everything to stop blasphemy and endangering human life caused as a result. It took over half an hour until my grandmother was taken to the hospital, which was supposed to take no more than a few minutes."

Management of Hatzalah Union, responded: "There is no doubt that this is a foolish thing which does not represent the vast majority of volunteers working to save lives, and we are confident that it is not being backed by any organization involved in saving lives, we expect that the Ministry of Health and the police will do justice so that such events do not repeat themselves.

Tel Aviv District Police reported that mutual complaints have been filed about the case and the people involved were summoned. It was reported that the police is working to eradicate the phenomenon.

The family reported to B'Chadrei Charedim that the grandmother's situation is getting better and better.



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