י"ב סיון התשפ"ד

EU conjoins with Paris victims

Ambassadors and members of the Commission and the European Parliament, attended a memorial service for the victims of terrorist attacks in Paris

  • ו' שבט התשע"ה
EU conjoins with Paris victims

Dozens of ambassadors and members of the EU Commission and Parliament, paused to remember the victims of the terrorist attacks in Paris at a memorial service in the capital of the EU, Brussels, initiated by the Association of Jewish Organizations in the European Union.

During the ceremony, Vice President of the European Commission, Frans Timmermans, noted that: "We have to fight anti-Semitism. This responsibility should be shared by all communities and individuals in European society." To paraphrase the speech of the prime minister of France, Timmermans said: "If there is no future for the Jews of Europe - the European Union has no future."

At the same time, European Commission President, Jean-Claude Junker said that he accepted the initiative of the Association of Jewish Organizations in the European Union, and leave the lights in his office and his home turned on International Holocaust Remembrance Day Eve, in solidarity with the Jewish community.

French Ambassador to the European Union, Fiiir Salal, thanked the event that the kosher supermarket attack was different than other attacks, noting that "journalists were murdered because they were journalists, cartoonists because they are cartoonists and Jews were murdered only because they were Jews.

Memorial ceremony held in cooperation with the EJCC was opened with testimony of Sarah Bitton's father, one of the survivors of the kosher supermarket attack in Paris, told that she was hiding with her baby in the refrigerator in the supermarket basement.

CEO of the Association of Jewish Organizations in the European Union (EJA), Rabbi Menachem Margolin, who hosted the ceremony thanked senior EU Hirtmotm security solutions Jewish institutions, but warned: "I do not like to think that our leaders have become so accustomed to terrorism against Jews so much that they "wake up" only when the terror directed against non-Jews living in Europe right now about 3 million Jews living under daily threat just because they were Jews."

Also in attendance was the Imam Rashid Birbc, who condemned the attacks and called on European leaders to help the Muslim community to deal with extremists in it, he says the real offensive to Muslims.

Also participating in the ceremony: President of CRIF, Ariel Amar, and EU ambassadors from Germany, Italy, Portugal, Latvia, Croatia and Belgium.


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