כ"ה אייר התשפ"ד

"Don't make an issue of clothes, and don't purchase high shtreimel"

Viznitzer Rebbe gave a chizuk talk to Viznitz bochurim, and raised many topics • "You have to eat well. But don't make an issue"

"Don't make an issue of clothes, and don't purchase high shtreimel"

The Vizhnitzer Rebbe spent Shabbos in the village of Citrine last Shabbos for the opening of summer time, with sturdents of the yeshivos gedolos of the Hassidus. This Shabbos they also commemorated the "Yom Habahir" - to mark the 70th anniversary of the birth of the Rebbe on 6th Iyar, 5705 (1945).

On Shabbos the Rebbe gave words of encouragement to the boys 'It's been long since I had a chance to spend a whole Shabbos with bochurim, full of Hasidus, and I very much enjoyed it, my dear sons, my grandfather the Imrei Chaim zy"a used to call the boys, so I also say my very dear sons, I speak for your good, for your success in spirituality.

"I wish from the bottom of my heart that every bochur will have a loyal friend and mentor so that he can take out what is in his heart, a bochur who learns at the Vizniitz yeshiva needs to know what a chassidishe bochur is, a chassidishe bochur doesn't make an issue of clothing, and certainly one should go like a dignified human being, but there are boys who invest in glasses, shoes, they buy for a wedding modern Kaftenes, this is not the way of a chassidishe bochur".

Here the Rebbe raised the subject of the Shtreimel: "Especially nowadays, the subject of the Shtreimelach, for a long time I've wanted to mention this, and I now have a chance, it's just a catastrophe, today the Shtreimelach look already like a Spodik, I am sure that if the boys will ask the sellers not to make such Shtreimelach, they themselves will no longer offer such Shtreimellach.

"A bochur should know that one has to eat well, today it's come about that boys make an issue of food. Already in my time as a young man I used to get angry at boys who did not eat because it was not to their taste. One eats since one needs strength to serve Hashem yisboroch, a bochur should sleep well and not mortify his body, one should take care of the body, and the remaining time one should invest in the sea of Talmud, books of Mussar and Hassidus, because without Mussar and Hassidus it is like a student, only the Talmud, the Imrei Chaim used to say, "Mi stedirt oif Talmud" – one should learn in purity and yiras shomayim.

"You has to watch one what one puts into the mouth and what one takes out of it, a bochur today lives without worries, everything is done for him, and he should take advantage of it, not to live with vanities of politics and news, street news, news of Hasidic circles and more, and it's simple that a bochur should not have an unacceptable device, I really hope there are no such things in our yeshivos, I strongly urge all those chossons and with G-d's help all those who will become, to go only to instructors of our circles. This prevents a lot of problems after the wedding and I shall not go into details, and if parents feel that there is an exception they should come ask me, without permission from me there is no right to go to others, one should explain it gently to parents, not G-d forbid out of rudeness.

"Another subject I would like to raise, I was recently involved in some of matches in both yeshivos where boys gave negative information, it is forbidden to do so, if it's a good bochur, of course you have to praise but even if it is a boy of medium level, one should speak positively and send them to check with the staff who also need siata dishmaya how to respond. This is what the possuk says "Ki be'apam hargu ish" "with their rage they killed a man". I would very much enjoy it if all the boys would participate in the chabura I founded, there would be a chabura that everyone will share in, you would give me a lot of satisfaction."

Regarding Lag B'Omer, the Rebbe said, "People come to ask whether to go or not, by us people knew that we do not go, a chosson who is getting married right after Shvuos can go on Sunday, or as an exception on Friday afternoon for Shabbos, then generally the problems are less. Hashem should help that you will be wise enough to acquire in ruchnius this Shabbos, and from the approaching zman, and soon we will be zoche to welcome Mashiach tzidkeinu."

The Vizhnitzer Rebbe at Kfar Citrine


'בחדרי' גם ברשתות החברתיות - הצטרפו!

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