כ"ה אייר התשפ"ד

At the age of 49 only: Rebbe of Toldos Shmuel zt"l

Hagaon Hatzadik Rabbi Zelig Leib Taussig zt"l, who suffered from a serious illness and did not forgo delivering his fixed shiur - died after suffering

At the age of 49 only: Rebbe of Toldos Shmuel zt"l

Baruch Dayan Ha'emes: from Manhattan hospital late at night, arrived the harsh and bitter news of the death of Hagaon Rabbi Zelig Leib Taussig zt"l, who passed away after a serious malignant illness, at the age of 49 only.

The deceased was the son in law of Hagaon Hatzadik R' Shmuel Zvi Kowalski zt"l, author of 'Ano Avdo' and Rabbi of the Sochachov community in Bnei Brak, and the son of the Rebbe, Rabbi Shmuel Taussig zt"l of Toldos Shmuel. He was known as a great machnis orchim and famous for his honoring of father and mother, being devoted to his father zt"l over the years as a first born, when his father was confined to a wheelchair for years.

Recently the Rebbe of Nadvorna Beitar visited him in his room at the hospital and strengthened and encouraged him, as well as his brother-in-law, Hagaon R' Chaim Dovid Kowalski head of Meorot Hadaf Hayomi.

Rabbi Taussig zt"l, a resident of Givat Shaul neighborhood in Jerusalem, lived on 24 Givat Shaul Street, and davened in the synagogue that was under his presidency, the Toldos Shmuel shull on Alkabetz Street near his home in Givat Shaul, Jerusalem.

Despite the many difficulties and suffering, he took care with his last strength to go to his Beis Midrash in Givat Shaul in order to give the shiur on 'Ohr Hachaim' and would strengthen his followers.

After a serious illness during the last year and half, he moved on Shvuos to live in the US - where he was treated in hospital for his malignant disease.

He is survived by his wife Rebbetzin Batsheva tichye, three married daughters and a 7-year-old boy.

His coffin will leave at 11:30 pm US time on an El Al flight and is expected to land at 5:30 pm (Israel time) at Ben Gurion Airport. The funeral will leave tonight (Wednesday) from the Beis Midrash Toldos Shmuel on Alkabetz Street in Givat Shaul neighborhood, Jerusalem, to the Mount of Rest - where he will be buried.

May his soul be bound in the bond of life.


'בחדרי' גם ברשתות החברתיות - הצטרפו!

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