כ"ו אייר התשפ"ד

Huge documentation: Demonstration against recruitment

Demonstration of the 'Eida Haredis' and 'Bnei Torah': 'Hardak' and yahrtzeit candles in memory of 260 young haredim who enlisted • Video and gallery

Photo: Kobi Har Tzvi
Photo: Kobi Har Tzvi

Protests against the conscription law: large crowds attended this evening (Tuesday) at the end of the fast of Tenth of Tevet, a joint protest rally of the Eida Haredis and Bnei Torah, against the objectives of the revised draft law, approved last month. One demonstrator was arrested for violating the order.

The demonstration took place at the intersection of Malchei Israel and Sarei Israel in Jerusalem.

At the center of the protest was criticism of the draft plan's objectives and quotas. The law itself has already been approved in the Knesset and now the war is over targets and quotas.

The event was conducted under the leadership of Gedolei Yisrael – Hagaon R' Shmuel Auerbach, Av Beis Din of the Eida Haredis Rabbi Yitzchak Tuvia Weiss, Rabbi Moshe Sternbuch the Ra'avad, Hagaon Rabbi Israel Yitzchok Kalmanowitz, and Roshei Yeshivos under the leadership of Hagaon R' Shmuel Auerbach, members of the Eida Haredis Beis Din, as well as other rabbis and Torah scholars.

It should be noted that despite the cooperation between the Eida Haredis and Bnai Torah in the fight against the decree of recruitment targets, the two maintained differentiation during the demonstration.

Hagaon R' Yitzchok Tuvia Weiss spoke against the danger of military service and in conclusion made a kria (tear) in his outfit.

At the center of Malchei Israel Street a large puppet was placed in the form of a haredi Israeli soldier bearing the inscription 'Hard"k out', as well as other signs that said "they are throwing sand in the eyes of the public following recruitment quotas and targets."

Thousands of yahrtzeit candles were brought to the assembly with a huge sign: "May G-d remember the souls of the fallen 260 haredi boys on the week of Parshas Vayigash to military tracks by collaborators from within the haredi community."

Yesterday morning a letter was published by Rabbi Auerbach in which he calls on each and every one to attend the large rally, "It is the duty of every one, without exception, to attend the large rally. This is a major protest for the honor of G-d, a protest against the entire matter of recruitment rachmana litzlan, to protest the harsh decrees. And all that fear of G-d is in his heart, must participate in it. And may Hashem hear the voice of our cry and hasten our salvation and redeem us".


'בחדרי' גם ברשתות החברתיות - הצטרפו!

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