כ"ה אייר התשפ"ד

Heartbreaking: Rosh Kollel Died – Next Morning His Son Was Born

Unbelivable tragedy shakes up Modin Illit. Harav Hagaon Reb Yakov Kochav zt”l, a Rosh Kollel in the city passed away at the age of 32. His wife was with him at the time of his death and was taken to Mayanei Hayeshua Hospital where she gave birth to his son.

Heartbreaking:  Rosh Kollel Died – Next Morning   His Son Was Born

Happiness mixed with sadness: A son was born this morning to a Roah Kollel from Kiryat sefer, Harav Hagaon Reb Yakov Kochav tz”l who passed away last night at the age of 32.
Harav Kochav became ill with a malignant disease a few months ago, and his health deteriorated until his death. He left behind a wife, six children and now a newborn on. The bris is expected to follow immediately after the week of shiva.
Behadray Hareidim learned that his wife was present at the yetzias neshama at Tel Hashomer and from there was transported to the delivery room at Mayanei Hayeshua.

Reb Yakov was appointed as Rosh Kollel of Kollel Maaleh Adumim in Modin Ilit at the young age of 25. He was a rare Talmid Chacham and goan who gave special shiurim to the avreichim.
The new mother is expected to attend the funeral of her husband. She stood by his side during his illness with great devotion and did her best to ensure that the children’s schedules would not be disrupted.

Neighbors share their amazement over her strength in difficult times. “Even in the dark hours when he stood between life and eath she was at his side in the hospital when his soul left his body. From there she went to give birth, the sun sets and the sun rises.

This past Elul, two month before he fell ill, Reb Yakov gave up his position as Rosh Kollel in order to learn continuously. He explained that being a Rosh Kollel was interfering with his learning sedarim. He joined Kollel Retzufos so he could learn two sedarim back to back. He walk on the sides of the streets with light upon his face and simplicity.
The members of the Kollel relate that had he been older he would have been known throughout the world for the special genius he was bestowed with.
The levaya is schedualed for 3:00 p.m. from the home of his father in law, Harav Shmuel Haber, Menahel Yehsivas Darkei Moshe on Rechov Kehilas Yakov 11, Bnei Brak.



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