כ"ה אייר התשפ"ד

Avigdor Lieberman's First Day on the Job

Avigdor Leiberman began with a press conferance at the Prime Minister's residence, then he was sworn in and congratulated, and finished off with a prayer at the Kosel.

Avigdor Lieberman's First Day on the Job
צילום: יונתן זינדל, פלאש 90

After his press conference and swearing in Israel's new Minister of Defense, Avigdor Liberman went to the Kosel. While there he said the following Pirkei Tehillim; Perek Chaf, Perek Nun Tes which corresponds to his age, and the Perek Kuf Tes Vov the Perek that Lubavitcher Chassidim say as a zchus for the Rebbe zt"l .

After his visit Lieberman posted a photo of himself at by the Kosel with the following Pasuk:
"הנה לא ינום ולא יישן שומר ישראל. ה׳ שומרך, ה׳ צילך, על-יד ימינך"

Avigdor Liberman swearing in Kotel Wailing Wall


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