ב' סיון התשפ"ד

70,000 people will be evacuated

Four days are left for the "Law of Regularization" which perhaps will prevent the evacuation of the Ulpenah neighborhood in Beit El. The initiator of the law, M.K. Yaakov Katz, calls on the public to pressurize the members of Knesset and ministers

Yaakov Katz. Photo: Yaakov Cohen
Yaakov Katz. Photo: Yaakov Cohen

Starting on Sunday morning, and until the vote for the Law of Regularization in the Knesset, the protest tent which is situated near the Knesset, will be hosted by citizens who want to protest about the planned destruction of houses which is planned in the Ulpenah neighborhood in Beit El, some of them even hunger striking.

As of this morning, M.K. Yaakov Katz ("Ketzale"), the initiator of the law proposal and the one who intends to bring it to call in the Knesset this coming Wednesday, joins the strikers. The proposal of the law is planned between 12:00 and 14:00.

As known, intimates of the Prime Minister have suggested about 10 days ago, to postpone proposing the law by two weeks, in order to enable Netanyahu to find an acceptable solution for the problem. The chairman of the coalition, Ze'eve Elkin, even entrusted a letter on the matter in the hands of the head of the Beit El district council, Meir Rosenbaum.

Yesterday, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu announced, that the solution which he reached is the decision to destruct the buildings. In parallel, his promise to postpone the law in return for freedom of vote of the coalition, was left standing, which means that M.K.'s in the coalition will be able to vote for the law. It seems that even ministers in the government will vote for the law. One of them, the Minister of Information and Diaspora, Yuli Adelstein, has already announced his intention, while taking into account the possibility of being dismissed from his position.

The settlers of the Ulpena neighborhood are furious: "The government of Ehud Barak settled us in this neighborhood more than 12 years ago, while giving us initiatives and grants, mortgages, paving roads and sidewalks and connecting us to infrastructures. But just as in the entire free world one doesn't destroy a neighborhood even if a bureaucratic problem arises regarding the status of the land, so too neither the Ulpenah neighborhood, nor the thousands of houses in Judea and Samaria, which are of a similar status, will not be destroyed."

According to them, "The Ulpenah neighborhood will not be "reproduced" even if it was a building made of lego, just as the Akirov and Assuta towers will not be copied. The settlers of the neighborhood congratulate the ministers and members of Knesset which will pass the Law of Regularization with a large majority on Wednesday, and thereby prevent the decree which the public in Israel will not be able to withstand, just as the Prime Minister announced."

The heads of General Staff are feeding the ministers lokshen"

In the early morning hours, M.K. Katz started the protest activity following the announcement, while demonstrating across from the entrance to the Prime minister's office, and waiting for the arrival of the ministers of the Likud party to the seating of "our ministers".

"The Prime Minister and minister Barak think that they could mislead the ministers of the Likud, Liberman and the members of Knesset by two incorrect facts", said Katz this morning. He added: "We have checked, and it is impossible to "reproduce" the buildings, we are talking of destruction to the core. The second misleading is that Weinstein will, as if, find a solution. For a year the Prime minister has been trying to find a solution through Weinstein's system, and has not advanced by even 1mm. All that has the same status as the Ulpenah neighborhood, is almost the entire strip of Binyamin, 9,000 living units, will be destroyed, and 70,000 settlers will be evacuated."

Katz continued to attack: "We mustn't let the two heads of General Staff think that they can sell lokshen to the ministers. The political agenda of the attorney's office headed by Weinstein is to destroy the 9000 houses. The ministers will not give a hand to something with the purpose of destruction and expulsion which is of same power and quantity of the Spanish Expulsion".

Katz ended his words calling on the public: "To come in thousands to the Ulpenah neighborhood, build a city of tents, in order to protect it with their body, and to participate in a march. I call on the grandfathers and grandmothers, uncles and aunts, brothers and sisters of 70,000 settlers who are about to be dispossessed of their homes, while wiping out the Ofra settlement, a third of Beit El and other settlements, to contact the Likud ministers and Minister Liberman, in order to ascertain that they vote for the Law of Regularization this coming Wednesday".
protest hunger strike Beit El Ulpenah Katz


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