כ"ה אייר התשפ"ד

Historical gathering. Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah of "Degel Hatorah" in Hagry"l Shteinman's home

After years of paralysis – the Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah of the Degel Hatorah organization is gathering at the home of Hagry"l Shteinman.

Historical gathering. Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah of "Degel Hatorah" in Hagry"l Shteinman's home
שוקי לרר

The historical gathering will discuss the threat of enlisting the Yeshiva bochurim. Among the members invited: Hagr"n Karelitz, Hagr"s Auerbach, Hagrm"z Bergman and new members who were appointed recently. All the details – exclusive to Behadrei Hareidim

First publication: after a long period of paralysis, the Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah of "Degel Hatorah" is destined to gather tomorrow in Bnei Brak.

Harav Avraham Rubinstein, the secretary of Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah visited the homes of Gedolei Yisroel of Degel Hatorah this evening, and invited them to the gathering.
The gathering will take place in Hagry"l Shteinman's home on 5 Chazon Ish street in Bnei Brak, and on the agenda will be a discussion regarding the threat of enlisting the Yeshiva bochurim. The meeting is scheduled to take place at 16:00pm tomorrow.
Today, the members of the Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah of Degel Hatorah are: Hagry"l Shteinman, Hagr"n Karelitz, Hagr"s Auerbach, Hagrm"z Bergman, Hagry"g Edelstein and Hagr"y Sheiner. Hagr"c Kanievsky is not an active member of the Moetza.

Seven new members were appointed today, being: Hagaon R' Arye Finkel, Hagaon R' Baruch Mordechai Ezrachi, Hagaon R' Moshe Yehudah Schlesinger, Hagaon R' Yehuda Ades, the eldest of the Mashgichim – Hagaon R' Dov Yafe, Hagaon R' Moshe Hillel Hirsch, and Hagaon R' Dovid Cohen, Rosh Yeshivas Chevron.

Hagrb"d Povarsky was also invited by refused, that is because of an instruction from his father not to join political bodies, rather only organizations which disseminate Torah.

Since the founding of the Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah, Gedolei Yisroel who passed away were members in it: the president of the Moetzes Hagra"m Shach zt"l, Hagaon R' Michl Yehudah Lefkowitz zt"l, Hagaon R' Mordechai Leib Mann zt"l, Rosh Yeshiva Beis Hillel, Roshei Yeshivas Chevron: Hagaon R' Avrohom Farbastein zt"l, and Hagaon R' Simcha Zissel Broide zt"l, Roshei Yeshiva Mir: Hagaon R' Binyamin Beinush Finkel zt"l and Hagaon R' Nosson Zvi Finkel zt"l, Hagaon R' Zvi Markowitz zt"l, Hagaon R' Avrohom Yaakov Zeleznik zt"l, Hagaon R' Chaim Pinchas Sheinberg zt"l, Hagaon R' Moshe Shmuel Shapira zt"l,, Rosh Yeshivas Be'er Yaakov, Hagaon R' Boruch Rosenberg zt"l Rosh Yeshivas Slabodka, Hagaon R' Zalman Rotberg Rosh Yeshivas Beis meir and Hagaon R' Nissim Toledano zt"l.
Shteinman Gathering Hatorah Gedolei Moetzer


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