כ"ה אייר התשפ"ד

USA ambassador in Libya murdered

At the end of a rocket attack on the American consulate in Libya, the USA ambassador, Christopher Stevens was killed, together with another employee and two American commando fighters. The protest broke out as a result of a movie which a former Israeli produced, in which he mocks the "Prophet Mohammed". Film producer: "Islam is cancer". Obama: "Shocking, we will increase the security"

USA ambassador in Libya murdered

American ambassador in Libya, Christopher Stevens, was killed on Tuesday in an attack on the consulate, according to reports by sources in Libya. Riots broke out in protest about a movie which was produced in the USA, which according to the claim of a few militias "was an affront to the honor of the Prophet Mohammed".

The report does not yet have a formal approval in Washington, but the news agency Reuters and leading television networks "El Arabia" and "El Jazira" already quoted the report, which said that the attack was accompanied by shooting of rockets on the area. Meanwhile, enraged demonstrators stormed the area of the American consulate in Cairo and climbed the wall which surrounds it.

The ambassador, according to the report, died of choking in the fire which broke out in the consulate, and not by the shooting. Arabic media sources report that another employee in the consulate was killed in the attack, and that two American commando fighters who were called to the scene, were also killed.

Yesterday, State Secretary Hillary Clinton gave an emergency announcement which said that a "senior official" was killed in the attack, but did not detail his identity. "I denounce this attack in every way," she said. "My heart breaks about the loss of life (of the official). There is no justification for violent actions in any possible way".

A day after the death of the USA ambassador to Libya as a result of the attack on the consulate by a furious mob, yesterday (Wednesday) the Moslem Brothers in Egypt called upon all citizens of the country to go out and demonstrate against the movie which is evoking the outrage.

Meanwhile, USA President Barack Obama denounced the attack which brought about the death of the ambassador and three other diplomats, and defined it "shocking". Obama instructed to increase the security around American consulates around the world.

"I instructed my people to supply all the resources necessary to support the security of the diplomatic corps in Libya, as well as increase the security in other countries around the world," said Obama. "The USA rejects phenomena of defamation against faith or beliefs, but we must unequivocally oppose any illogical violence which takes the lives of those who hold public posts".

The demonstrations in front of the American representations in Egypt and Libya broke out in protest of parts of a film which was disseminated in the net from the full film "The Innocence of Moslems" which will soon appear on the screens.

In the movie, the "Prophet" Mohammed is seen in embarrassing parts, and as one whose source is in an unknown tradition, and who comes – in the name of the faith, supposedly to defend problematic issues.

Producer Sam Basil claims that he is a former Israeli and related that he recruited 5 million dollars to produce the film from a few Jewish donors whose names he refused to reveal.

"Islam is cancer", said Basil in a phone interview to the newspaper. "This movie is political. This is not a religious movie".

Terry Jones, the famous priest from Florida who has burned Koran books in the past, praised the film: "This is an American production, which was not meant to attack Moslems, but to show the destructive ideology of Islam. The movie reveals the life of Mohammed in a satiric way," Jones also announced that he intends to screen part of the film in front of his community.
Libya Basil movie Mohammed Islam


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