י' סיון התשפ"ד

Day after Survey: Deri has catapulted Shas to 14 mandates

Survey held by 'Haaretz': Aryeh Deri under joint leadership of Shas party, takes three seats from Likud and catapults Shas to 14 mandates • Left - Center Party - headed by Olmert beats the Likud

Day after Survey: Deri has catapulted Shas to 14 mandates
יעקב כהן

The Deri integration process led by Shas contributes three mandates, leaping to 14 seats, according to a survey published by Haaretz this morning (Thursday).

A day after the last jolt at Shas, a political system examines the effects. In parallel, Haaretz poll published this morning artifacts concerning the fate of the Shas party in the upcoming elections.

The survey was conducted on Tuesday for "Haaretz" by a dialogue company, under the supervision of Prof. Camil Fuchs of the Department of Statistics at Tel Aviv University.

The survey examines the lumpy election map by a number of several possible scenarios.

In the center scenario, Olmert establishes a center party with Mofaz, Livni and Lapid, whilst Deri stationed joint leadership with Minister Eli Yishai.

The Right wing, in this case, does not lose the majority and are left with 63 mandates. But Olmert –Livni-Lapid parties are sweeping 25 mandates and Likud is down to only 24.

The one who takes the mandates from Likud is Shas headed by Aryeh Deri, raising it to 14 mandates.

"Apparently," writes the Haaretz, "Deri has broken the equality. This is the man who according to the vision of his good friend Chaim Ramon, will take the 14 mandates, cross the lines and give the majority to Olmert to establish a government; because of their friendship, because of the friendship with Ramon and because of the friendly relationship with Livni "...

Additional data from the survey reveal ed that Yair Lapid, despite the addition of Yaakov Perry, is shuffling around ten mandates. Independence Party of Ehud Barak does not pass the threshold.

Another statistic reveals that the center - left party run by Peres may reap 32 mandates.

Here, too, Haaretz, trird to have fun with the idea of rescuing the Left wing from the opposition. But they have not learned from past experience: Peres is always a winner in the polls but loses at the ballot.
Livni Survey Ha'aretz Deri Olmert


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