כ"ו אייר התשפ"ד

Another retirement from 'Kadima': Ruchama Avraham

Just before preparing 'Kadima's list for the next Knesset, MK Ruchama Avraham announced her retirement to Mofaz • Evaluation: The decision stems from the realization that Kadima will not affect seriously

Another retirement from 'Kadima': Ruchama Avraham
יעקב כהן

Another retirement from the Kadima party, the party which polls predict only 3-4 seats: Tonight MK Ruchama Avraham announced to Kadima's chairman, Shaul Mofaz that she is not going to run for the next Knesset.

The announcement came shortly before the steering committee of the party begins to grade the Knesset members who will occupy the Knesset list. MK Avraham would have very likely been graded on the list, since she has maintained loyalty towards Mofaz all along (except for a brief period of conflict between them). Avraham also excelled in handling social affairs and honorably represented the opposition in the Finance Committee, whilst managing to skillfully navigate opposite Committee Chairman Moshe Gafni, who she maintained excellent relations with.

Avraham officially stated that the decision is the result of "internal dialogue" and that "a person should be comfortable with what they do."

However, the prevailing view is that the decision stemmed from the conclusion that 'Kadima' cannot seriously affect the next Knesset, and to be the only female MK is not challenging for her.

Persistent rumors tell of the promise of Yisrael Beitenu's chairman Avigdor Lieberman, to give her the role of Minister in the next government. The possibility of her joining his party was rejected by her outright. Ruchama will not be the one to plunge a knife into 'Kadima's or Mofaz's back. This is also why she did not wait to receive a call from Tzipi Livni to be rated on the future list, which she had good chances for.

We emphasize that all these estimates have no confirmation from any of the factors mentioned, and this is speculation and estimation of associates.

During a conversation with Meir Abovitch, an associate of MK Ruchama Avraham, he says: "Ruchama is an active woman. Sitting in the opposition did her no good. She sought to promote things on her own agenda, mostly social things and it was hard. Kadima in the next government will be apparently toothless and irrelevant, so she has no reason to be there.

"However, she is not the treacherous type and I don’t think she wanted to hurt Shaul Mofaz and therefore did not issue fault within the party's conduct, although it is clear to me that is the only reason for her retirement.

"Unlike others, I believe that Ruchama will not join any other party in the next Knesset. I know her well. She is not a yo-yo (unlike other politicians.) Her word is a word. If she said she would not be in the Knesset in the next elections, then she will not appear on any list. There is a possibility that after the elections she will be offered the post of Minister by one of the parties, but on the Knesset list she will not appear. She has no interest to sit back and do nothing in the Knesset. It's not her nature.

"It is obvious, that Ruchama's retirement from Kadima will hurt Kadmia, since she was the social figure in the party. She was the cyanosis of Kadima, and also since she is very down to earth. You say Ruchama you say fundamental work. Kadima voters really like her and are connected to her."

MK Avraham joins the "distinguished" list of those who decided to leave 'Kadima', including MK Avi Dichter, who is now the Minister of Home Front, Zachi Hanegbi and other MKs, some of who will try to run for the Likud party.
Kadima Ruchama Avraham Avi Dichter Shaul Mofaz Zachi Hanegbi


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