כ"ד אייר התשפ"ד

In Tunisia too • Thousands celebrated kindling on island of Djerba

Thousands, including many Israelis, took part in the celebrations in honor of Rabbi Shimon bar Yohai, on the island of Djerba, Tunisia • heavy security in place

In Tunisia too • Thousands celebrated kindling on island of Djerba

Thousands attended the Lag B'Omer events in the Al-Gariba synagogue, on the island of Djerba in Tunisia.

The annual event which is attended by thousands, started on 14th Iyar – the day of hillula of R' Meir Ba'al Hanes, and continues until the nineteenth of Iyar - the day after Lag B'Omer.

This year the police tightened security due to the permission given to Israelis holding an Israeli passport to arrive in Tunis and participate in the traditional kindling.

The El-Gariba Synagogue is the most renowned of the twenty synagogues which operated in three Jewish villages in Djerba in the early fifties of the twentieth century.

The festivities include a visit to the synagogue, charitable giving, prayers and processions held on the last two days. The procession includes visits to other prayer locations in Harah Zagira.

Participants carry a large pyramidal lamp called "Menara" mounted on three wheels. The lamp is decorated with symbols representing the twelve tribes of Israel, names of revered rabbis of Tunisia, names of the three patriarchs and four matriarchs, and blessings in honor of Rabbi Meir and Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai.

Participants sing the praises of Rabbi Shimon, one song includes the words "Ya Rabbi Shimon, oktash tajina oh tahi legalot man a'alina" ("Oh Rabbi Shimon, when you come to deliver us from the exile"). Paradoxically, although the main song talks about going from exile, many Israelis waive the rise to Meron and fly to the Tunis Diaspora to participate in the celebrations.


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