ו' סיון התשפ"ד

Three Injured on Highway 443: Terrorist Eliminated

Terrorists threw stones and Molotov cocktails at buses and private cars on highway 443 last night. Three people were wounded. IDF opened fire on the terrorists, killing one.

Three Injured on Highway 443: Terrorist Eliminated

Stones and Moltov cocktails were thrown at vehicles travelling highway 443 at about 1:30 a.m. last night in the area of the Macabim checkpoint.

Three Jews were injured lightly and were taken to Sharei Tzedek hospital. Among the injured were a couple who are tourists. One spouse is a British citizen, the other is Belgian. The third person injured was a passenger aboard a bus. Two young men were realsed from the hospital while the woman has been admitted for observation.

13 vehicles were heavily damaged. When soldiers became aware of the Moltov cocktails they opened fire at the terrorists, killing one and injuring the other two. The terrorists were taken to Hadassah Ein Kerem.

Last night's attack was just one in a long list of many such incidents on highway 443- thankfully the others ended without anyone being injured.
throwing stones Moltov cocktails foreign citizens highway 443 terror attack


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