כ"ה אייר התשפ"ד

Comments: "A group of clowns stabbing with knife"

Haredi Knesset members are furious about the compromise at the Wall: "Women of Murabitat Reform are seeking provocation '

  • כ"ב שבט התשע"ו
Photo: Kobie Har Tzvi
Photo: Kobie Har Tzvi

Strong reactions to the approval of the Western Wall outline for Reform and Women of the Wall today (Sunday), in the government. MK Moshe Gafni attacked the Reform. Minister Aryeh Deri said he would not allow the Reform to breach the wall of Judaism. Supporters of Women of the Wall in the Knesset are celebrating a victory.

Finance Committee Chairman MK Moshe Gafni responded: "Reform group of clowns that stick knife in the holy Torah. Forever and eternally there will not be recognition for these clowns, not at the wall or anywhere else."

Religious Affairs Minister David Azoulay said that: "I will not rule on this matter! I will go up to Maran the President of the Council Chacham Shalom Cohen to receive his decision, in consultation with other members of the Council of Torah Sages.

Interior Minister and Shas leader Aryeh Deri expressed his opposition to the arrangement at the government and said: "Faithful Jewry remains vigilant not to allow Reform, Conservative and other circles to breach the wall of devoted Judaism, violate the laws of the place from which the Shechina does not move".

MK Israel Eichler commented: "Anyone who thinks that the "Murabitat" Reform women will settle for the southern wall, does not understand their war. Their aim is to breach holes in the holiest place for the Jewish people. Just as the women of the Islamic Murabitat caused provocation on the Temple Mount, the reformers want to expel the Divine Presence and the sanctity of the holiest place for the people of Israel. Reformers slandered against the Land of Israel, that the Western Wall does not unite the nation of Israel, but is a focus of controversy and strife. These same Reform organizations incite against the occupation and present Israel as an apartheid state worthy of international boycott. Millions of Jews come to pray with unity and joy of all sects and classes according to Jewish law for fifty years. The "Murabitat Reform" want to turn it into a den of licentiousness from which an Orthodox Jew would have to exclude himself from the remainder of our Temple. We'll stay there. Even if a Palestinian flag and Murabitat will be raised on the Western Wall. We will not give the holiness of the Wailing Wall and the nation of Israel will continue to cling to the Kotel, and fight for the purity and sanctity of the place of prayer."

WOW Chairwoman Anat Hoffman responded: "Women of the Wall and its partners have won whereby they were given control of the southern plaza of the Western Wall. The pluralistic streams receive significant recognition for the first time in history. And the big winner is the people of Israel who have won in that it is enabled to select - that did not exist before - the place most suited to the customs of his prayer."

MK Tzipi Livni commented on the decision to open the joint Western Wall plaza: "I welcome every step that opens Israel and our hearts to accept with understanding there are different ways in which Jews express their faith and their Jewishness. The Western Wall is the place which joins world Jewry as a whole and it is important that it is given practical expression."

Chairman of the Zionist Camp MK Merav Michaeli responded and said, "The last time the Western Wall was liberated by soldiers with helmets, this time it was released by women in prayer shawls. The government's decision to establish a joint prayer at the Western Wall plaza is a huge victory for Women of the Wall".

MK Kesenia Svetlova of the Zionist Camp: "Women of the Wall are conducting an important and just struggle for equality and recognition of all streams of Judaism. I am happy that at the end of three years of arduous negotiations, the parties reached a compromise for the time being satisfies the Women of the Wall and the rabbinate."


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