כ"ד אייר התשפ"ד

Attack on Egyptian border: Nathanel Yehoshua Yaholomi hy"d from Nof Ayalon killed

Terrorists opened fire at an IDF patrol at noon in Mount Charif, on the Israeli- Egyptian border • As a result: Nathanel Joshua Yahalomi hy"d , 20, from the Nof Ayalon settlement was killed, and another soldier was seriously wounded. Soldiers patrolling the border and securing wall jobs returned fire • 3 terrorists were liquidated. IDF: the force suffered a very serious attack.

Attack on Egyptian border: Nathanel Yehoshua Yaholomi hy"d from Nof Ayalon killed
דובר צה"ל

Cleared for publication: IDF soldier, a warrior in the artillery, Nathanel Yehoshua Yahalomi, 20 years old, the religious settlement Nof Ayalon, was killed today (Friday) in an exchange of fire with terrorists on the Israeli – Egyptian border. Another soldier was injured in a medium to hard condition. An announcement was delivered to the families.
IDF soldiers managed to thwart a terrorist attack at around 12:30, designed to penetrate into Israel from Sinai, in the Charif mountain area on the border of Israel and Egypt.

Preliminary investigation indicates that at approximately 12:30 terrorists approached the Carmit border station, south of Mount Sagi, an area where the construction of the new system fence has not yet been completed. The terrorists carried explosive belts, cartridges, RPG launcher and rifles. They fired at IDF forces, killed a soldier and wounded another.

Caracal Battalion Force, in whose ranks serve both men and women fighters, arrived quickly at the scene, and three terrorists were killed in the battle.

IDF spokesman, Brigadier General Yoav (Fuli) Mordechai, said that based on the findings in the area, it is evident that the force managed to thwart a big attack intended to harm the citizens of Israel. No terrorists managed to infiltrate Israeli territory.

At the end of last July, terrorists opened fire at a bus carrying soldiers near Ein Netafim, near the Israel – Egypt border. There were no casualties but the bus was damaged.

Last June, a civilian was killed in an attack combining anti-tank fire, explosion and small arms, during the construction of the border fence between Israel and Egypt.

During a tour of the Chief of Staff Gantz two months ago at the Israeli-Egyptian border, the Chief of Staff said: "Terror bases are emerging in Sinai. We expect the Egyptians to exercise their sovereignty."

About a month ago the head of Military Intelligence Maj. Gen. Aviv Kochavi estimated that "in the recent period there have been thwarted over ten infrastructures for deadly attacks in Sinai. Sinai is a secondary priority on the Egyptian agenda and currently a monitoring of the axis of terror infrastructure is taking place. "
Yahalomi attack terror Sinai Egypt


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