כ"ו אייר התשפ"ד

Ramle Candidate For Mayor Visits Hagaon R’ Chaim Kanievsky

Michael Widler who is running for mayor in Ramle visited Hagaon R’ Chaim Kanievsky shlit”a today, asking for a bracha to succeed in tomorrow’s election- R’ Chaim told him “in the merit of the Torah you will succeed”

Ramle Candidate For Mayor Visits Hagaon R’ Chaim Kanievsky

Michael Widler who is running for mayor in Ramle visited Hagaon R’ Chaim Kanievsky shlit”a today, asking for a bracha to succeed in tomorrow’s election- R’ Chaim told him “in the merit of the Torah you will succeed”

The ‘Likud’ nominee for Mayor in tomorrow’s election in Ramle, came to visit Hagaon R’ Chaim Kanievky shlit”a in bnei Brak today. After pledging that he will support the Torah institutions in the city, Michael Widler came to receive a bracha from R’ Chaim Kanievsky, for success in tomorrow’s election.

“Bechadrei Chareidim” was told that Widler shared with R’ Chaim his pledge to support the Torah institutions in the city. “In our city, for years’ people are fighting against the Chareidim and the ‘Chinuch Atzmoye’ mosdos. I assist the activities of ‘Lev Le’achim’, and I am now also committing to continue assisting the Mosdos hatorah” said Vidler.

“Bechadrei Chareidim” was also told that R’ Chaim was presented with the recommendation of chairman of the finance committee MK Gafne, who thoroughly investigated the matter and concluded that Widler is the best candidate for the Chareidi and religious communities in Ramle.
Hagaon R’ Chaim gave the ‘Likud’ nominee a bracha that he should succeed in tomorrow’s election, and added that “in the merit that you are assisting the Yeshivas and Mosdos hatorah- you will succeed”.

Earlier today, Widler also received the support of Hgaon R’ Shteineman, and Hagaon R’ Eidelstien who ruled that people should vote for Widler.
Nasi Moetzes chachmei Hatorah, Chacham Shalom Cohen, also supports Widler in tomorrow’s election for mayor.

Translated by Eli B.


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