כ"א תשרי התשפ"ה


Father wept over his son's deathbed: "I sacrificed you as a korban ola"

Hundreds attended the funeral of a 3-year-old boy Yisrael David Weingarten z"l, who was run over by a bus in Beitar Illit • The boy's grandfather said, "Just this Shabbos I sang with you, you so loved to sing" • The father eulogized in tears to the crying of those present • heartbreaking documentation

Moshe Weisberg 28.12.15

IDF checks: Who gave them guns?

Chief of Staff Gadi Eizenkot ordered to check the source of weapons at wedding where boys were filmed waving guns

Yonah SHub 25.12.15

Soldier freed by Obama – to court

US soldier Bowe Bergdahl, who was released in a prisoner exchange for Taliban terrorists, may serve a life sentence because of his conduct before captivity Bowe Bergdahl

Eli Schlesinger 15.12.15

New Rivlin storm: will attend conference along with 'Breaking the Silence'

Reservists turned to the president demanding - cancel your participation at the conference today in the US, attended by representatives from the organization "Breaking the Silence" • Rivlin's office responded - "This is one of many participants, who will not be present in the panel with the President"

Eli Jacoby 13.12.15

Bright World: From Bangkok to Washington

Jewish people are celebrating Hanukkah candle lighting around the globe • watch the Hanukkah candle lighting in different continents

COL Chabad website online 08.12.15

Unity in Hasidic world: 'Chozer' of Chabad at Belzer Rebbe's house

For the first time Hagaon Rabbi Yoel Kahn, the 'Chozer' and senior Chabad rabbi – paid a visit to the home of the Rebbe of Belz in Jerusalem • There has a tension between the Hassidus since Belz joined Degel HaTorah - during the Hassidic split of 5749

Moshe Weisberg 29.11.15

First time: Tisch at Agudah convention

Rebbe of Sadigura took off • Who would be missing, who will address the keynote address, and - what will be the main topic at the conference?

Moshe Weisberg 12.11.15