כ"א תשרי התשפ"ה

Bris Milah

Grandchild born to Courts of Kamarna, Spinka and Belz London

Bris Milah of the great grandson of the Kamarna Rebbe of Bnei Brak, grandson of his son Harav Shaul Yechezkel Safrin, son –in- law of the Spinka Rebbe Yerushalayim, son of Harav Chaim Yakov Safrin and son- in-law of Harav Yitzchak Tzvi Meir Babad, son of Harav Yosef Babad Av Beis Din of Belz London was held in Bnei Brak. The Vishnitzer Rebbe was honored with brachos. Yehuda Farkovitz photographed the simcha.

Moshe Weissberg 14.06.16

Trump as Sandak?

Ivanka Trump, Daughter of Donald Trump gave birth to a baby boy. The child’s grandfather, Donald Trump plans to come to the bris on Sunday and serve as sandak - after receiving a heter to do so from a Rabbi.

Avi Grintsaig 29.03.16

Towards the ruling. New York Jewry alarmed against the "Metzitza" by mouth decree

Tension in the Hareidi community of New York. The city's health committee is about to decide tomorrow regarding the prohibition of the custom of "sucking blood by mouth" at a Bris Milah. Thousands will participate today in prayer and beseech gatherings in shulls and Torah institutions in the city. The Satmer brothers are joining forces for a relentless struggle against the prohibition

Eli Cohen, Behadrey Haredim 12.09.12

The Ban against Bris Milah: now in Austria too

Austria joins Germany and Switzerland. Governor of the Vorarlberg district in Austria instructed hospitals to cease performing Bris Milah. Members of Kehilla fear the spread of the ban

Yonah Shov, Behadrei Hareidim 26.07.12

The Ban against Bris Milah: now in Austria too

Austria joins Germany and Switzerland. Governor of the Vorarlberg district in Austria instructed hospitals to cease performing Bris Milah. Members of Kehilla fear the spread of the ban

Yonah Shov, Behadrei Hareidim 26.07.12

Saved from Twin Towers disaster and held Bris Milah today

Alexander Yavisevitz, born in Belarus, was saved of sure death during the terrorist attack in the Wrld Tade Cnter in New York. Finally today, when he turned fifty, he came into the Bris of Avraham Avinu

Yonah Shov, Behadrei Hareidim 27.06.12