ז' אלול התשפ"ד


Testimony: Police abused a beggar at the Western Wall

Police launched a sharp struggle against the Western Wall beggars • a beggar was arrested at the request of guards at the Western Wall and excessive force was activated against him

Yaki Adamker, B'Chadrei Charedim 12.11.12

Mystery in Flatbush: "Who murdered the millionaire beggar"

A hareidi beggar, who was a regular visitor in Flatbush homes, was found lying in a sewerage channel in Brooklyn. The investigation showed the man was an owner of property worth millions of dollars. The police is inquiring: was he murdered, and why?

Yonah Shov, Behadrei Hareidim 10.07.12

Mystery in Flatbush: "Who murdered the millionaire beggar"

A hareidi beggar, who was a regular visitor in Flatbush homes, was found lying in a sewerage channel in Brooklyn. The investigation showed the man was an owner of property worth millions of dollars. The police is inquiring: was he murdered, and why?

Yonah Shov, Behadrei Hareidim 10.07.12