י"ט שבט התשפ"ה

Neve Yaakov: members blocked contractor who came to evacuate synagogue

Members of a synagogue in Neve Yaakov in Jerusalem physically prevented a contractor who came to establish a school • Background discovers another side: shul was built illegally

Neve Yaakov: members blocked contractor who came to evacuate synagogue

Struggle for the destruction of the synagogue in Neve Yaakov Jerusalem came to a peak this morning (Sunday): Synagogue gabbai of Heichal Nissim, blocked the contractor who arrived on the scene to begin building schools and claimed that council members of Yahadut Hatorah told him that they had reached an agreement with the members of evacuation agreement.

First the background: due to shortage of schools in the Neve Yaakov decided Education Portfolio Holder and Deputy Mayor Yitzchak Pindrus to establish a structure for a neighborhood school "Hazneah Leches" where girls in the neighborhood learn and for "Torah Haemek" where neighborhood boys attend.

But after passing the municipal bureaucracy, it was discovered that on the pitch was laid a few years ago, illegally, a caravan serving a synagogue for the Sephardic community in the neighborhood. At the beginning, the contractor argued that for the purpose of the construction work will have to vacate the caravan.
Pindrus appointed member of the Council Yisrael Kellerman, a resident of the neighborhood, to have a dialogue with the residents and reach an agreement on the evacuation of the building with a promise to make every effort to designate an alternate space. This morning, employees arrived to begin work but encountered the gabbai of the synagogue who blocked them with their bodies. The one of the charges began as claimed by Kellerman who came with them to agreements on the evacuation and on the other hand claimed that they had not given such consent.

Members turned to Shas representatives in the municipality, Deputy Mayor Shlomo Braska and Eli Simchayoff and those entered the office of Mayor Nir Barkat, demanding that he order the cessation of the work at the site. Following the discussions it was decided that the work will be stopped immediately until the agreement between the parties. It was also decided that the continued discussions will be accompanied by the synagogue - Braska and by the institution - a member of the Council Yisrael Kellerman.
Braska said in a conversation with B'Chadrei Charedim that "certain elements are trying to say that the Gabai signed an agreement to withdraw, but this is a complete lie, there are hundreds of members who are in place more than - 15 years"

At the same time, A. Elias, Building and Development is responsible for the work at the site sent today a letter to all relevant factors, that the struggle of the synagogue causes her monetary damages, "immediately upon entering the area, members of the synagogue at the scene prevented our entry and refused to leave," they write, "Unfortunately, the situation caused and continues to cause us enormous financial damage which would be concentrated and sent into consideration compensation under the terms of the contract." Letter indicates that this is the second time the contractor began work and was blocked by the synagogue.
In a letter sent last month wrote the institution directors wrote a letter against the municipality religious education department that "in case of damage to the synagogue Heichal Nissim and if the gabbais tort a claim against him, we ta
Neve Yaakov


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