כ"א תמוז התשפ"ד

Fraud? Supervisor of Yissa Bracha didn't hear of fund

yisa Bracha fund is fundraising in Lakewood, during which a notice was posted claiming that the fund is overseen by the gabbai R' Yom Tov Burstein • but in a recording obtained by Behadrey Haredim, Rabbi Burnstein denies any connection and argues that he only just heard about the existence of the fund • "This is a lie, and I have no idea where the fund's money is" • Inside: recording and street ads

  • ה' אדר התשע"ה
Fraud? Supervisor of Yissa Bracha didn't hear of fund

Haredi Lakewood is in a stir: the Yissa Bracha fund which is fundraising in the city, introduces itself in street ads as one which is effectively under the chairmanship of Hagaon R' Shmuel Auerbach, and under the supervision of the renowned charity gabbai R' Yom Tov Burstein.

However, in a recording obtained by Behadrey Haredim, Rabbi Burstein says that "until this morning I did not hear of them at all," he suggests they should first transfer the money to his supervision and then will be able to publish his name and he is angry that he was plunged unknowingly into the Litvishe disputes.

Listen to his words:

בורשטיין הקלטה

"Because I have never heard about this fund, this is a chutzpah. This is the way of the "mechablim", I am not affiliated to any party, but this is a lie, and I have no idea where the fund's money is. And they will pay the price for it. Loyalty is the most important thing to me before anything else".

A Lakewood resident said in a conversation with Behadrey Haredim that "This is not the first time such an impudent attempt was made to link the names of loyal public activists to so-called funds as if they are related to various funds, which at the end are always associated with the 'Jerusalem faction'.

Despite repeated attempts, it was not possible to obtain a response from the Yissa Bracha fund until this moment, and when it is received – it will be published in full.



'בחדרי' גם ברשתות החברתיות - הצטרפו!

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