כ"א תמוז התשפ"ד

Mourning in Gedera: Rabbi of the city collapsed and died abruptly

Hagaon Rabbi Zion Tzubari, Rabbi of Gedera, fell unconscious near his home. A doctor on the scene pronounced him dead, at the age of only 71

Hagaon Rabbi Zion Tzubari zt"l. (Courtesy of photographer)
Hagaon Rabbi Zion Tzubari zt"l. (Courtesy of photographer)

Baruch Dayan Ha'emes: from the city of Gedera comes news of the death of Rabbi Zion Tzubari zt"l Chief Rabbi of Gedera. He was at the age of 71 at death.

This morning the Rabbi lost consciousness near his home and the doctor who was called to the scene pronounced him dead, to the chagrin of family members and residents.

The Rav zt"l was born in Yemen on 7th Nissan 5704 to his father R' Yepheth Tzubari and his mother, Mrs. Leah.

Rabbi Tzubari zt"l was known for his greatness in Torah and wisdom, during his years in office he gave hundreds of Torah lessons to city residents, who loved him dearly.

"The blow is harsh," tells us that one of the residents of the city, "in particular to us and to the general public who see how the rabbinate is deteriorating. He was of the old generation, he did not give himself importance - all discreetly and humbly".

He is survived by sons, sons in law and grandchildren who follow in his path.

The funeral will leave today at 15:30 from the home of the Rav zt"l on 17 Yonah Hanavi Street to the local cemetery in Rehovot.

May his soul be bound in the bond of life.


'בחדרי' גם ברשתות החברתיות - הצטרפו!

הוספת תגובה

לכתבה זו טרם התפרסמו תגובות


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