כ"א תמוז התשפ"ד

Dallas: swastika was painted on rabbi's car on Saturday

Vehicle of Rav Yaakov Reitz, Rabbi of Community Torat Chaim in Dallas, was sprayed with swastikas on Saturday • Police: we will catch the criminal

Dallas: swastika was painted on rabbi's car on Saturday

Concern in the Jewish community in Dallas: car of Rabbi Yaakov Reitz, Rabbi of community "Torat Chaim", was sprayed on Saturday with a swastika and anti-Semitic slogans.

Rabbi spotted the event yesterday (Saturday), when he left Maariv prayers towards his car waiting in the parking lot of the synagogue.

The local police were called to the scene and checked the security tapes to document the case, and promised that it would do everything to capture the criminal.

"I feel that just they did not just hurt me but struck every Jew who lives here in Dallas," the rabbi said, adding: "But I thank God that our community is a united community and would not let any cause further undermine our existence."

Justin Butterfield head of religious freedom Institute in Dallas, said: "we were shocked to hear about the act to the rabbi and his family and the community Torat Chaim."Violent actions against religions have become a worldwide prevalence, but here in America, such hostile actions will not be silent, for one American Constitution is the foundation of freedom of religion, and the Institute headed by me will not be ignored that. We will do everything so that justice is done with those who did it ".

A few months ago, non-Jewish neighbors tried to close the synagogue, but without success, neighbors claimed that the synagogue makes them hassle and shortage of parking, and lowers the value of real estate in the street.

A month ago, the community received a claim from the city on the illegal activities carried out by the synagogue. Of the "Liberty Institute", which aims to protect religious freedom in America, came to help the community against attempts neighbors to close the synagogue.


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