כ"א תמוז התשפ"ד

Yachimovitz: "no need for Shula Zaken to convict"

MK Shelly Yachimovitz: "there was no need for the Shula Zaken opera to convict Olmert, it's good the district court amended the decision"

  • י"ב ניסן התשע"ה
Convicted. Flash 90
Convicted. Flash 90

Labor MK Shelly Yechimovitz releases this morning (Monday) a post on her Facebook page, in which she welcomed the conviction of Olmert, and explains why it is not related to the long suffering of the former Prime Minister.

MK Shelly Yechimovitz: You did not need any of the Shula Zaken opera to determine that hundreds of thousands of dollars transferred in cash envelopes for the dubious and secret use of Olmert, the former prime minister - is serious corruption and a criminal act, and that it was a very big filth of money and power.

"It is well that the district court fixed the wrong decision on acquittal. It is impermissible for a moment that the public should rub its eyes in disbelief and ask if it is possible that its leaders accept cash in envelopes and then be credited in court."

In the post she raised on her Facebook page Yachimovitz writes that she does not doubt that Olmert is suffering and paying the price in the criminal proceedings against him, but that she has three comments: "First, Olmert himself tortured and persecuted and embittered the lives of a lot of good people in the rule of law who dared to warn of his corruption and test them. Zelikha, Lador, Lindenstrauss, and many, many others. He himself, a huge crowd of sycophants of all levels and in all fields that surrounded him, and was his executive arm, and challenged him.

"Second, criminal proceedings are unbearable to anyone. Olmert's blood is not more blue than the blood of another convicted felon. The attention to suffering can be divided also to poor defendants who can not afford a battery of publicists, and leading lawyers.

"And third, there is indeed room to consider the delay of justice. But that is already in the sentencing. So certainly it is possible to take into account the suffering and the price already paid, but not in all the proceedings until conviction. Because justice should be done, and seen. So that the citizens of the country should know that everyone, poor and rich alike, are equal before the law."


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