כ' תשרי התשפ"ה

Walking miracle: Mendi Rivkin recovered and was released from hospital

Mendi Rivkin, Chabad avrech who was severely injured in a stabbing attack last week in Givat Ze'ev, was released from hospital to his home tonight • Rivkin intends hold a seudas hodaya for the miracle that happened to him • his friends are confident: "This is the Rebbe's promise"

Mendi Rivkin. Photo: courtesy of photographer
Mendi Rivkin. Photo: courtesy of photographer

Shegmalani kol tuv: the avrech Menachem (Mendy) Rivkin who was severely injured in a stabbing attack in Givat Ze'ev last week - was released to his home tonight.

The stabbing attack in which Rivkin was injured, took place last Wednesday near gas station at the entrance to Givat Ze'ev.

A 17 year old terrorist from Bir Naballah followed Rivkin who was walking with his wife near the shops, attacked him and stabbed him several times in the upper body. As a result Rivkin was seriously injured and was in unstable condition, and evacuated to the Shaare Zedek Hospital in Jerusalem.

Despite severe injuries, Rivkin was able to recover within a week, and tonight, as stated, he was discharged.

Earlier this week, a press conference was held in Rivkin's room at Shaare Zedek Hospital, where the injured strongly criticized the government policy. Rivkin said that, "we must not give in to them. We need to beat terrorism. We must not think of giving up or giving parts in any way. Let's beat this terrorism.

Rivkin further plans to hold a thanksgiving for the miracle that happened to him.

Meanwhile, this week it was published in the Lubavitch community, that Rivkin's friends sent a query letter to the Rebbe's Igros Kodesh about the chances of recovery of the injured, and there were an answer that G-d willing there will be a big thanksgiving party, which led to much optimism among his associates. Tonight, as mentioned, the promise was fulfilled, and Rivkin returned home safe and sound.


'בחדרי' גם ברשתות החברתיות - הצטרפו!

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