כ' תשרי התשפ"ה

In Ha'aretz there is no difference between ISIS and Amdadi

Outrageous: mother of the late Levi Yitzchak Amdadi said that whoever is killed al kidush Hashem will be in paradise • According to Haaretz journalist she's like ISIS

  • י"ג אדר א' התשע"ו
The late Levi Yitzhak Amdadi z"l
The late Levi Yitzhak Amdadi z"l

Outrageous: Ha'aretz newspaper compares the bereaved mother to ISIS. Rogel Elpher, publicist in Ha'aretz, likened the mother of Levi Yitzchak Amdadi z"l, who was killed in the tragic bus accident last week, to the murderous terrorist organization ISIS.
Elpher complained that Efi Trigger, Army Radio broadcaster, interviewed for ten minutes Hannah Amdadi, the mother of Levi Yitzchak z"l.
In her words, the mother said that dispute is what's causing disasters, "We've known that for a long while," she said. "Always when there is a dispute in the Tanach, it is fire. It happened with Korach. It wasn't a disagreement that we, the little ones, need to intervene. We need to do our job in this world."
Somehow these things were called by Elpher "slander" which contradict democracy. But what angered the journalist in particular was what she had said in relation to the background of the accident: "Maybe it was a terrorist attack?" She said, "it would calm me. It's better for me, he went straight to heaven. Because I know that whoever is killed as a martyr, goes straight to heaven. A special place for all those who sanctified themselves on G-d's name. "
Regarding that the journalist stated that: "ISIS, in terms of worldview, is here. Eight and a bit in the morning, Army Radio. This is a common world view in Israel."
So if you innocently thought that ISIS means murderous, brutal worldview, beheadings as a matter of routine, and the mass slaughter of innocents, so here, according to Haaretz the old comforting Jewish faith, which has accompanied the nation throughout its history, through the Crusades and the Holocaust, that a person killed al kidush Hashem goes to Gan Eden, is the world view of ISIS.


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