Mourning in the Torah World: Hagoan Reb Meir Halevi Soloveitchik zt”l
Rosh Yeshivas Brisk, son of the “Brisker Rav” was niftar in Yerushalyim last night at the age of 87. Levaya set to take place at 11:00 a.m.
- Moshe Weissberg
- כ"ד אדר ב' התשע"ו

The Rosh Yehisva of Yeshivas Brisk in the Zichron Moshe neighborhood of Yerushalayim was niftar of Motzaei Shabbos in Sharei Tzedek hospital. He had been hospitalized for a few weeks following a devastating stroke. The yetzias neshama took place after midnight with his children and students surrounding his bed and calling our “Shema Yisreal”.
The Rosh Yehsiva was born in 1929, the 12th child of his father the Brisker Rav, Reb Yitzchak Zev Soloveitchik tz”l, a seventh generation descendant of Reb Chaim Volozioner z”ya, talmid of the Vilna Goan .
He grew up in his father’s home imbibing the Torah of Brisk. He was known for his intelligence and diligence in mitzvah performance since childhood. He knew nothing other than daled amos shel halach and exacting diligence in each letter of the Rambam.
As a child he learned in the Eitz Chaim Talmud Torah. His father, the Brisker Rav called him “The Illuy” and particularly enjoyed learning with him. Many Gedolei Ysirael attended his wedding in 1959 when he married Rebbitzen Elisheva tchyeh, the daughter of Hagoan Reb Yechiel Benedickt tz”l, one of the chasuvim of Bnei Brak, who was a member of the hanhalah ofChinuch Atzmai and the Satmar institutions.
He was marbitz Torah in Yerushayaim to the hundreds of Avreichim and Bachurim who gathered around him. He was well known for his well attended Shiur in Chumash and Rashi. He had a close relationship with the Rosh Yeshiva of Ponevezh , Hagoan Reb Dovid Pavarsky, with whom he would discuss current issues and questions.
The Rosh Yeshiva was strongly opposed to Bachurim cooperating with the IDF’s recruitment centers in any way. He as a staunch supporter of Gaon Reb Shmuel Auerbach shlita, with whom he learned in cheider, and stated a number of weeks ago that this gzeirah against our generation is weakening him greatly, and he feels that his days are numbered. Reb Shmuel Auerbach was a frequent visitor to his hospital room during the past few weeks.
He leaves behind beautiful generations , sons, sons in law and many grandchildren who are following his derech, the derech of Brisk. He also leaves behind his brother HArav Meshulam Dovid Halevi Soloveitchik shlita and his sister Rebbitzen Shif.
The levaya iss et for 11:00 today from his home on Rechov Cheznovitch 3 in Yerushalayim to Har Hamenuchos.
The Rosh Yehsiva was born in 1929, the 12th child of his father the Brisker Rav, Reb Yitzchak Zev Soloveitchik tz”l, a seventh generation descendant of Reb Chaim Volozioner z”ya, talmid of the Vilna Goan .
He grew up in his father’s home imbibing the Torah of Brisk. He was known for his intelligence and diligence in mitzvah performance since childhood. He knew nothing other than daled amos shel halach and exacting diligence in each letter of the Rambam.
As a child he learned in the Eitz Chaim Talmud Torah. His father, the Brisker Rav called him “The Illuy” and particularly enjoyed learning with him. Many Gedolei Ysirael attended his wedding in 1959 when he married Rebbitzen Elisheva tchyeh, the daughter of Hagoan Reb Yechiel Benedickt tz”l, one of the chasuvim of Bnei Brak, who was a member of the hanhalah ofChinuch Atzmai and the Satmar institutions.
He was marbitz Torah in Yerushayaim to the hundreds of Avreichim and Bachurim who gathered around him. He was well known for his well attended Shiur in Chumash and Rashi. He had a close relationship with the Rosh Yeshiva of Ponevezh , Hagoan Reb Dovid Pavarsky, with whom he would discuss current issues and questions.
The Rosh Yeshiva was strongly opposed to Bachurim cooperating with the IDF’s recruitment centers in any way. He as a staunch supporter of Gaon Reb Shmuel Auerbach shlita, with whom he learned in cheider, and stated a number of weeks ago that this gzeirah against our generation is weakening him greatly, and he feels that his days are numbered. Reb Shmuel Auerbach was a frequent visitor to his hospital room during the past few weeks.
He leaves behind beautiful generations , sons, sons in law and many grandchildren who are following his derech, the derech of Brisk. He also leaves behind his brother HArav Meshulam Dovid Halevi Soloveitchik shlita and his sister Rebbitzen Shif.
The levaya iss et for 11:00 today from his home on Rechov Cheznovitch 3 in Yerushalayim to Har Hamenuchos.
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