כ"א תמוז התשפ"ד

“ I Found My Daughter Engulfed in Flames ”

Rachel Dadon who was released a few minutes ago from the emergency room relates her experiences to Bchadrey Charedim. Rachel was lightly injured but her daughter Eden is in serious condition suffering burns to 45% of her body.

  • י"א ניסן התשע"ו
 “ I Found My Daughter Engulfed in Flames ”
נתי שוחט

Rachel Dadon and her daughter were injured yesterday in the bombing of the number 12 bus.

Rachel relates, ”we boarded the bus near our home, I sat in the front and Eden found a seat in the back. Everything was calm for a bit and then there were two loud explosions. I ran to the back of the bus to search for my daughter but couldn’t find her- until I caught site of her engulfed in flames. I couldn’t save her, I screamed for the rescue personnel to rescue her- which they did. They rescued her from the fire and immediately transported us to the hospital. When we got to the hospital they called my husband and told him to come right away. “

Rachel continues her narrative through her tears,” I was lightly injured and was just released from the ER, the first thing I did was run to my daughter’s room; I hadn’t seen her since we got to the hospital. It was very hard to see my daughter like that.

“I don’t feel safe I this country. Eden’s life is not in danger, but she has burns to 45% of her body. She is sedated and on a respirator. I’m asking Am Yisrael to pray for Eden Bat Rachel.

Rachel Dadon Eden Dadon Number 12 Bus Bombing Bus Terror Jerusalem


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