The Summer Zman Begins
A rotation of shiurim in Ponovesh, new air conditioners in Chevron, A huge keness in Ger and a special shiur from the Belzer Rebbe. Bechadrey Charedim's special project in honor of the new zman. The Torah world begins the summer zman - the zman most spoken about in our community- due to the process of registration for Elul zman.
- Moshe Weissberg
- א' אייר התשע"ו
![The Summer Zman Begins](
פלאש 90
Registration for yeshiva ketana is taking place earlier than normal this year, with many yeshivos in Yerushalayim already closing registration- despite the takanos of rabanim not to accept students before Pesach. The Yerushalyaim yeshivos have accelerated registration after the yeshivos in Modiin Illit, which in turn will likely cause an the process to begin earlier yeshiva gedola as well. The whole parsha is beginning to bubble beneath the surface.
In Yehsivas Ponovesh it was decided to establish a rotation of shiruirim after the death of Hagoan Rav chaim Shlomo Leibowitz zt"l.
In Yeshiavs Ponovesh under the leadership of Harav Markowitz, Harav Michel Kaufman was appointed as a maggid shiur.
In Yeshiavas Chevron Givat Mordechai, new air conditioning units are currently being installed n each dorm room in advance of the summer. This was made possible by a donation of the philanthropist Shlomo Yehuda Rechnitz of Los Angeles last sukkos. The yeshiva dining room is also being expanded. Bechadrey Charedim has also learned that a number of new talmidim will be joining the yeshiva for the summer zman.
In Yeshivas Mir, Beis Yisrael the new zman is starting with the kollel payments to the avrechim being only one month behind.
Hagoan Rav Sholom Ber Sorotzkin of Ateres Shlomo has accepted an additional 300 avreichim into his kollelim thorught Eretz Yisreal.
Yeshivas Schar Schir in Netivot will begin the zman with one of their bachurim, Chaim Ozer ben Gittel who nearly drowned during bein hazmanim. The bachurim are davening for his complete recovery.
In yeshivas Be'er Yakov , the son of the Rosh Yeshiva, Hagoan Rav Dovid Yitzchak Shapira, will give the opening shiur tomorrow at 12:00.
In yeshivas Sharei Shmuos in Beit Chilkiyah which oponed 5 years ago, the zman will begin Monday. The yeshiva has a new meishiv, Rav Moshe Tzvi Kapalan.
A new yeshiva is opening for the summer zman in Ramot, Yerushalayim under Hagoan Rav Naftali Elzas. (Yehisva gedloah Marbeh Torah). The yeshiva will behouse din beautiful new buildings. There has been a lot of interest in the new yeshiva that is particular about quality bachurim. The yeshiva will open as a kibbutz of about 50 bachruim from Ponovesh, chevron, Tifrach, Kapaln, Meor Hatalmud, Wollfson, Chadeirah, Sharei Shmuos and others.
In Yeshivas Kiryat Hamelech one of the Ramim left- Hgoan Rav Elisha Cohen .Torah V'das, under the leadership of Harav Shmuel Auerbach and Harav Mordechai Halevi Diner has opened a new branch in Tzfas.
Yeshivas Heichal Yitzchak in Kiryat Moshe in Yerushalyaim has brought in a new Mashgiach from Yeshivas Yad Aharon, a new Ram from Wollfson and a new Rosh Kibbutz from Sharei Shmuos.
Yeshivas Chemdas Moshe in Modiin Illit created a stir when the Rosh Yeshiva, Harav popenheim moved 30 bachruim from the Yeshiva ketana into the yeshiva gedola, calling it shiur daled, insuring their registration for the coming year.
Yeshivas Ramot that moved to Beitar last year will return to Yerushalyim until Ellul zman at which time it is expected to return to Beitar. They have also appointed a new Ram- Harav Pinkus from Yeshivas Netivot Chachma.
Yeshivas Be'er Hatorah in Bayit V'gan will move - along with the staff and their families- to Beit Shemesh in Elul zman.
Yeshivas Darkei Dovid Beit Shemsh has appointed a new Ram.
Yeshivas Bies Shmuel- Mattersdorf has sent a letter to the paretns stressing that the bachruim will not allow to have a cell phone that is a tomech kosher (the phone itself does not have a hechsher but you can put a kosher sim card inside) . They have also appointed a new Ram and will have a new Kibbutz.
Yeshivas Knessess Yitzchak in Moddin Illit has sent out a letter that needs to be signed and returned by fax that the paretns are aware that "naganim", newspapers and all cell phones are not allowed, and that the bachruim are not allowed home except for during an off Shabbos. Bachurim breaking these rules may be thrown out.
Yeshivas Beis Mattisyahu Beni Brak has also sent a letter assuring cell phones and naganim (for those who don't need them), bachruim will not be allowed back until the letter is signed.
Yeshivas Slobodka Bnei Brak has also banned "tomech Kosher" cell phones.
The new Yeshiva ketana Imrei Moshe has already closed its regustraion for Elul. They will have 40 bachruim.
Yehsivas Meor Yitzchak in moshav Chemed has redone the external areas of the campus.
Yeshivas Grodna Ashdod is celebrating its 50'th year and will soon have the groundbreaking of the new building.
Ger will open the zman with a keness on the dangers of technology- without the participation of bachruim and children.
The Belzer Chassidus will open the zman with the tradional "Kvias Shiur" in the "groisa shtub".
In Yehsivas Ponovesh it was decided to establish a rotation of shiruirim after the death of Hagoan Rav chaim Shlomo Leibowitz zt"l.
In Yeshiavs Ponovesh under the leadership of Harav Markowitz, Harav Michel Kaufman was appointed as a maggid shiur.
In Yeshiavas Chevron Givat Mordechai, new air conditioning units are currently being installed n each dorm room in advance of the summer. This was made possible by a donation of the philanthropist Shlomo Yehuda Rechnitz of Los Angeles last sukkos. The yeshiva dining room is also being expanded. Bechadrey Charedim has also learned that a number of new talmidim will be joining the yeshiva for the summer zman.
In Yeshivas Mir, Beis Yisrael the new zman is starting with the kollel payments to the avrechim being only one month behind.
Hagoan Rav Sholom Ber Sorotzkin of Ateres Shlomo has accepted an additional 300 avreichim into his kollelim thorught Eretz Yisreal.
Yeshivas Schar Schir in Netivot will begin the zman with one of their bachurim, Chaim Ozer ben Gittel who nearly drowned during bein hazmanim. The bachurim are davening for his complete recovery.
In yeshivas Be'er Yakov , the son of the Rosh Yeshiva, Hagoan Rav Dovid Yitzchak Shapira, will give the opening shiur tomorrow at 12:00.
In yeshivas Sharei Shmuos in Beit Chilkiyah which oponed 5 years ago, the zman will begin Monday. The yeshiva has a new meishiv, Rav Moshe Tzvi Kapalan.
A new yeshiva is opening for the summer zman in Ramot, Yerushalayim under Hagoan Rav Naftali Elzas. (Yehisva gedloah Marbeh Torah). The yeshiva will behouse din beautiful new buildings. There has been a lot of interest in the new yeshiva that is particular about quality bachurim. The yeshiva will open as a kibbutz of about 50 bachruim from Ponovesh, chevron, Tifrach, Kapaln, Meor Hatalmud, Wollfson, Chadeirah, Sharei Shmuos and others.
In Yeshivas Kiryat Hamelech one of the Ramim left- Hgoan Rav Elisha Cohen .Torah V'das, under the leadership of Harav Shmuel Auerbach and Harav Mordechai Halevi Diner has opened a new branch in Tzfas.
Yeshivas Heichal Yitzchak in Kiryat Moshe in Yerushalyaim has brought in a new Mashgiach from Yeshivas Yad Aharon, a new Ram from Wollfson and a new Rosh Kibbutz from Sharei Shmuos.
Yeshivas Chemdas Moshe in Modiin Illit created a stir when the Rosh Yeshiva, Harav popenheim moved 30 bachruim from the Yeshiva ketana into the yeshiva gedola, calling it shiur daled, insuring their registration for the coming year.
Yeshivas Ramot that moved to Beitar last year will return to Yerushalyim until Ellul zman at which time it is expected to return to Beitar. They have also appointed a new Ram- Harav Pinkus from Yeshivas Netivot Chachma.
Yeshivas Be'er Hatorah in Bayit V'gan will move - along with the staff and their families- to Beit Shemesh in Elul zman.
Yeshivas Darkei Dovid Beit Shemsh has appointed a new Ram.
Yeshivas Bies Shmuel- Mattersdorf has sent a letter to the paretns stressing that the bachruim will not allow to have a cell phone that is a tomech kosher (the phone itself does not have a hechsher but you can put a kosher sim card inside) . They have also appointed a new Ram and will have a new Kibbutz.
Yeshivas Knessess Yitzchak in Moddin Illit has sent out a letter that needs to be signed and returned by fax that the paretns are aware that "naganim", newspapers and all cell phones are not allowed, and that the bachruim are not allowed home except for during an off Shabbos. Bachurim breaking these rules may be thrown out.
Yeshivas Beis Mattisyahu Beni Brak has also sent a letter assuring cell phones and naganim (for those who don't need them), bachruim will not be allowed back until the letter is signed.
Yeshivas Slobodka Bnei Brak has also banned "tomech Kosher" cell phones.
The new Yeshiva ketana Imrei Moshe has already closed its regustraion for Elul. They will have 40 bachruim.
Yehsivas Meor Yitzchak in moshav Chemed has redone the external areas of the campus.
Yeshivas Grodna Ashdod is celebrating its 50'th year and will soon have the groundbreaking of the new building.
Ger will open the zman with a keness on the dangers of technology- without the participation of bachruim and children.
The Belzer Chassidus will open the zman with the tradional "Kvias Shiur" in the "groisa shtub".
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