כ"א תמוז התשפ"ד

Just Hours Before He Died He Donated 50 Thousand Dollars

Just Hours Before He Died He Donated 50 Thousand Dollars

Just Hours Before He Died He Donated 50 Thousand Dollars

Tragedy in Satmar: Two hours he drowned, the Bal Tzedakah, Harav Yitzchak Rosenberg z"l $50,000.
Bechadrey Charedim has learned that the CEO of Mosdos Satmar in Yerushalayim Harav Shmuel Zanvil Fogel who is currently in Williamsburg called Reb Yitzchak Rosenberg z"l to speak with him about a donation to the institutions in Yerushalayim that Reb Yitzchak built and has been supporting.

Harav Fogel mentioned that since Reb Yitzchak was in Florida , he could take care of the details when he returns. Two hours later Harav Fogel was surprised when Reb Yitzchak called him and instructed him to go to his Wiilamsburg office and take the money from there. Harav Fogel did as he was instructed, and thus gave Reb Yitzchak one last opportunity to support his beloved institutions.

זירת האסון במיאמי
תיעוד ראשון; חילוץ נגידי סאטמר שטבעו במיאמי

The plane carrying the bodies of Reb Yitzchak Rosenberg and Reb Chaim Parness landed within the past hour in advance of the funeral.

The Levaya of Harav Parness is called for 9:00 at the Beis Medresh Stropkov in Kiryas Yoel. He will be buried in the Kiryas Yoel Cemetery.

The Levaya of Reb Yitzchak Rosenberg is called for 9:45 at Beis Medresh Satmar in Williamsburg, continuing on to Beis Medresh Hagadol Satmar in Kiryas Yole and from there to the cemetery werhe he will be buried in the section of Roshei Kahal, close to the Ohel of the Satmar Admorim.

Tragedy in Satmar Harav Yitzchak Rosenberg Mosdos Satmar Yerushalayim Fifty Thousand Dollars Miami


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