כ"א תמוז התשפ"ד

No Child Left Behind: One Father Shares his Safety Tip

Yechezkel Tal publicized his family's safety tip that he and his wife have been using for the past 4 years to insure that their children are not forgotten in the car.

No Child Left Behind: One Father Shares his Safety Tip
פלאש 90

Yechekzkel publicized his idea in his "Do you Need Something?" group, for the good of all those who will hear about it. He asked that it be passed on.

It's true that its implementation dependent on technology and not everyone using social media, but it is still important to mention it for the sake of those who do use social media as well as for the sake of those who don’t. Those who do not use social media can still use their creativity to come up with a similar solution in a way that will work for them.

This is his solution:

"My wife and I have a helpful and free solution. All it takes is an alarm clock and WhatsApp to confirm that your child has not been left in the car.

This is how it works: My wife takes the girls to preschool at 7:30 a.m. After dropping them off she sends me a WhatsApp message. My wife and I have a designated WhatsApp group for this purpose. We don't use it for anything else- just for one daily message that says, "good Morning the princesses are in preschool." (I have an alarm on my phone set for 8:00 a.m. No matter where I am if I haven't received a message from my wife assuring me that the girls were safely dropped off I immediately call her to confirm. There were a few times that I didn't receive the message due to poor reception. )

We have been using this system for 4 years now.

Cooperation between parents can save lives!"

WhatsApp child saftey baby left in car


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