כ"א תמוז התשפ"ד

Italian Youth Threatens Jews in Argentina

Italian youth threatens the Jewish community of Buenos Aries saying," It's not for nothing that Jews are persecuted throughout the world." He was arrested after threatening to place a bomb within the Jewish community.

Italian Youth Threatens Jews in Argentina

A young Italian by the name of Soman Akel stood at the entrance of Kehilas Sharei Tefilah on Paso Street in the center of Once district (Spanish for 11th), otherwise known as the Jewish Quarter. He yelled at Jews entering the Beit Knesset for Mincha, saying," It's not for nothing that Jews are persecuted throughout the world." He called the Jews derogatory names and told them that he would like to carry out terror attacks in the center of the Jewish community.

He was arrested and then released without further investigation. Out of caution the Jewish community is publishing his face and warning people to be on alert for any suspicious behavior. Members of South America's largest Jewish community are being asked to make sure that this man is not allowed near any Jewish targets.
Buenos Aries Argentina Italian Youth Threatens Jews bomb threat terror attack


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