כ"א תמוז התשפ"ד

Jewish Women in Jerusalem Bear More Children than Arabs

Is Jerusalem's shift in demographics thanks to the charedim? In the past there was fear that the high Arab birth rate would favor a rising Arab demographic in the capital city. Today that fear was proven unfounded

Jewish Women in Jerusalem Bear More Children than Arabs

A recent survey set to uncover the population distribution of different demographics in Jerusalem has shown that has shown that Jewish women bear more children than do their Arab counterparts. In years past there was a worrying trend showing that the demographic scale weighed in favor of the Arabs. At that time there was a campaign launched to warn about the problem.

That campaign is no longer relevant.

The average births per women in the capital are as follows:

For Arabs 2-3 children.

For Jews 3-4 children.

Yair Assaf Shapira of the Jerusalem research enter Mynet released an essay Sunday that stated that this increase in birth rate began in 2010. The fertility of Jewish women in the city has surpassed that of Arab women in Jerusalem. Now the natural increase has also surpassed that of the Arab population. The natural increase is the increase in birth rate minus the yearly number of deaths.

Shapira wrote, "Since we were talking about a surprising finding we did further follow up to insure that there was no statistical error… This was found to be a stable trend."
Yair Assaf Shapira Mynet birth rate Jerusalem dempgraphics


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