כ"א תמוז התשפ"ד

Netanya Grieves: Harav Dovid Shalosh z"tl

Mourning was thrust upon the Rabbinical world with the news of the passing of Israel's oldest Chief Rabbi. Harav Dovid Shalosh served as the sefardi Rav of Netanya for decades.

Netanya Grieves: Harav Dovid Shalosh z"tl
משה גולדשטיין

Mourning was thrust upon the Rabbinical world with the news of the passing of Israel's oldest Chief Rabbi. Harav Dovid Shalosh served as the sefardi Rav of Netanya for decades.

Moestzes Chachmei Hatorah and Shas have published announcements this morning expressing their grief over the loss of Harav Shalosh.

"We are bitterly crying over the loss of the great man, the elder among the rabbis in Israel, the Goan Rabi Dovid Shalosh zt"l, who served in sanctity as the Rav and Av Beit din of the city of Netanya for over 60 years.

"The Rav was a remnant of the " dor deah" in Harav Dovid Shalosh where Torah giants such as Harav Ovadia Yosef, Harav Abba Shaul, Chacham Manseur ben Shimon and many others learned, may their memory be for a blessing.

"He was known for his genius in halacha and published many halachik sefarim
Including "Chemda Gnuza". He was a childhood friend of Harav Ovadia Yosef and kept up a close halachaik correspondence with him. He left behind a Dor Yesharim Mevorach…"

The levaya will take place at 12:00 noon today at the Rav's beis medresh "Zachor L'David in Netanya. He will be brought to burial at 5:00 p.m. in the Chelkas Rabbanim of Har Hamenuchos.

video of the levaya in Netanya

המונים מתושבי נתניה מלווים את הרב דוד שלוש; \"ויי, חסרה ארץ ישראל גברא רבה\"

Harav Dovid Shalosh Chemda Gnuza Porat Yosef Netanya


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