כ"א תמוז התשפ"ד

For the first time since his coronation: Nadvorna Rebbe sets off to U.S.

Nadvorna Rebbe will be at 'Nadvorna Shabbos gathering in Meron • In New York he will attend the wedding of a grandson of one of the governors of the Chassidus, and will visit Rebbes

For the first time since his coronation: Nadvorna Rebbe sets off to U.S.
יעקב כהן

For the first time since his coronation as Nadvorna Rebbe, follwing the death of his father, the 'Beer Yaakov' zt"l, the Rebbe will leave on Sunday for his first visit in the U.S.

On Friday, the Rebbe will arrive from Tiveria, where he has been resting these past days, to Meron, where he will stay in his late father's apartment to spend Parshas Noach - the traditional and annual Nadvorna Shabbos in Meron.

Included in the Shabbos gathering are chassidim coming from all over the country, and all three Nadvorna Rebbe's will participate - Jerusalem, Beitar, and Elad. Davening and Tishim will take place at the Bnei Akiva compound. On Motzei Shabbos a Tish will take place and Chalaka for the chassidus children at the Rashb"y.

On Sunday, as stated, the Rebbe will leave his house in Bnei Brak to New York together with a small number of associates, to attend the wedding of the grandson of the governor of the chassidus, and will visit the Rabbanim. During his stay in the U.S., dinners will be lead by the Rebbe and fundraising for institutions.

On Sunday evening a reception will be held at the Rebbe, at the home of Rabbi Yitzchok Fishman.
Parshas Nadvorna Meron Collect


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