כ"א תמוז התשפ"ד

Hanagid surprised the Rosh Yeshiva: a book with his commentaries

Rosh Yeshiva of Sefat Emet, Hgr"sh Alter, arrived in London for the Chanukat Beit Midrash founded by Hanagid Mendel Teitelbaum, in memory of his father

Hanagid surprised the Rosh Yeshiva: a book with his commentaries
הגר"ש אלתר. צילום: ארכיון

Rosh Yeshiva of Sefat Emet, Hagaon Reb Shaul Alter, landed in London on Sunday morning, the purpose of his visit: Chanukat Beit Midrash in the neighborhood of Elstree on the outskirts of Golders Green, founded by Hanagid Reb Mendel Teitelbaum, in memory of his late father Hanagid Reb Itche David Teitelbaum zt"l. A surprise awaited the Rosh Yeshiva at the event- the first book published with his commentaries.

The father Reb Itche David z"l, was a Gerrer chassid, who still in Poland went on 'trips' to the Rebbes of Ger. When Ger was founded in the city of Arad, the Rebbe, the Lev Simcha of Ger zt"l, recruited Hanagid Teitelbaum, to build the Ger institutions in the city. His son Reb Mendy, continues in his father footsteps.

Mendy Teitelbaum's address is known to all in London and those knock on his door and the door of his mother, the widow of Reb Itche David z"l, and he helps many institutions with vast amounts of money.

These days the Beit Midrash 'Beis Yitzchak David' is being dedicated. A number of years ago Teitelbaum dedicated the Gerrer Beit Midrash in Golders Green to his father z"l. Hgr"sh Alter, who is close to Mr. Teitelbaum, who supports the Sefat Emet yeshiva and the publishing of his father's books, the Pnei Menachem of Ger zt"l, answered Hanagid's pleas and went to London as a token of appreciation.

Upon arriving at the place of the event, a surprise awaited Hgr"sh Alter: The host, Mendy Teitelbaum, presented him with a present – a book of commentaries of the Rosh Yeshiva. In the book named 'Ivra D'dasha' are the commentaries and speeches said by the Rosh Yeshiva during the past two years, which he said before yeshiva students and at simchas.

During his short visit in London, the Rosh Yeshiva met the community leaders in Golders Green and visited the homes of Rebbes and Rabbis in the city.



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