כ"א תמוז התשפ"ד

Attorney General would change Mikveh Laws

In response to a petition on the subject, Attorney General announces in the name of the Israeli Rabbinate and the Ministry of Religion changes in mikveh procedures that are against halacha. Jerusalem Religious Council expresses opposition.

Attorney General would change Mikveh Laws
Uri Lenz/FLASH90

According to this precedential decision, women may immerse in the mikveh without the presence of another woman, a step which is totally against halacha and in opposition to the Rabbinate’s own directives.

The decision, prompted by a petition submitted by the Itim organization, states that “The woman who is immersing can decide for herself whether or not to abide by halacha; to immerse by herself or in the presence of another woman.
The Rabbinate plans to direct the local Religious Authorities to put up signs informing women of the halacha.

In response, the Chief Rabbinate says, “We would like to clarify that the legal position that was determined and written as a response of the Attorney General to the High Court, according to which women can immerse in a way unacceptable to halacha is the Attorney General’s legal opinion. The Rabbinate has not altered nor will it change its position which has been stated in the past which is that immersion must be done in the presence of another woman, and has offered solutions safeguarding women’s privacy. A woman who chooses to immerse without the presence of another woman might as well immerse in a swimming pool, for such immersion will have the same effect.”
mivkeh Rabbanut swimming pool Ittim Balanit


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