כ"א תמוז התשפ"ד

An Interview with Netanel Mark

A painful interview Netanel Mark

  • כ"ט סיון התשע"ו
An Interview with Netanel Mark
איציק כהן

Netanel Mark is the son of Michael Mark, who was shot last Friday in the Southern chevron area. In a painful interview with Bechadrey Charedim he relived the difficult moments, and recalled memories of his father z"l.
"Friday afternoon everything was calm. I was serving my duty as officer of the area near Chevron. Suddenly we received a call of an incident on highway 60. I arrived on the scene with my friend and saw a turned over car with gunshot holes through the walls of the car. I immediately recognized that it my own family were the victims of the attack.

" I didn't dream that I would arrive at the scene of a terror attack and find that we were talking about my family. My father, mother and sister had already been evacuated from the scene by that point, but my brother Pedaya was in the process of being loaded onto an ambulance. At that point I didn't know what my parent's and sister's status were, but while I was sitting with my brother on the way to the hospital I found out that my father had died and that my mother was seriously injured."

How is you family coping?
"It's hard, but there is so much unity amongst us siblings- a fact that strengthens us."

Netanel spoke about the non-stop flow of comforters during the shiva.

"It really strengthens the family members. It's a great unity the brings Am Yisrael together. "

He asks that people continue to daven for this mother Chava Ariel Bas Ayelet Hashachar and Tehilla bas Chava Ariel."

Netanel Mark Michael Mark


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