כ"א תמוז התשפ"ד

Jerusalem Municipality Demolishes Yeshiva Building

City Council Members managed to prevent the demolition for a while. Today it happened.

Jerusalem Municipality Demolishes Yeshiva Building

The demolition of Yeshivas Mitchabrim in Ramat Eshkol , for at risk teens, began this morning at 6:00.

The building belongs to the Israel Lands Administration and the plot belongs to the Jerusalem Municipality. In response to complaints of neighborhood residents a demolition order was served.

In response to the demolition city council member Michael Malchieli wrote Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat the following letter;" It's a sad morning for the city of Jerusalem. This morning "Mitchabrim" which serves the needs of at risk youth no longer has a house. This morning tractors came and destroyed the buildings. According to sources inside the police department, this organization has significantly reduced the incidents of delinquency amongst this population."

מבנה \

Yeshivat Mitchabrim Nir Barkat Michael Malchieli teens at risk


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