כ"א תמוז התשפ"ד

Baruch Levine and Simcha Leiner present: "Vhaarev Na"

Simcha Liner and Baruch Levine produce a song composed by Levin. The song was released in honor of the organization "Vhaarev Na" whose goal is to instill the love of Torah among Talmidim. so far, about 32 Yeshivos and over a thousand boys are taking part in the program.

Baruch Levine and Simcha Leiner present: "Vhaarev Na"

ברוך לוין ושמחה ליינר מרגשים \


Composed by: Baruch Levine
Song Produced by: Yochi Briskman
Sung by: Baruch Levine & Simcha Leiner
Arranged by: Yanky Briskman
Lyrics by: Ruchie Torgow
Child Soloist: Yechezkel Ginsberg
Music Mix by: AJ Greenwald
Video by: Moshe Bree

They lift him on their shoulders and bring him to the cheder,
Where he licks the honey off the letters of the aleph-bais,
And with tears they pray to Heaven for their precious little gem,
May the Torah always be this sweet, Vhaarev Na Hashem

But as the boy grows older and Gemara leads his day
That passion for his Torah learning slowly fades away
For he struggles with each sugya and he tires from despair
If gemara is so challenging does it even pay to care

Vhaarev Na Hashem make it sweet for us again
Like the honey that we tasted years before
Because each word is ours to own until we feel it in our bones
And we'll want to keep on learning more and more

Vhaarev Na Hashem, Oy Vhaarev Na Hashem
So Your Torah will forever pierce the heart
Be mesayem and return to the words we love to learn
For we never feel complete when we're apart

A tiny ray of hope soon begins to show
When his Rebbe says "Chazara is the key to help you grow
To gain clarity and cheishek you must constantly review
And you'll love to learn gemara when the words speak back to you"

With chazara of his learning his spirit is revived
As the words of Torah penetrate and slowly come alive
His excitement is rekindled and he's shteiging with his peers
He can finally feel that passion that was lost for all those years

Vhaarev Na Hashem make it sweet for us again
Like the honey that we tasted years before
Because each word is ours to own until we feel it in our bones
And we'll want to keep on learning more and more

Vhaarev Na Hashem, Oy Vhaarev Na Hashem
So Your Torah will forever pierce the heart
Be mesayem and return to the words we love to learn
For we never feel complete when we're apart

Oh the power that we share as words of Torah fill the air
Could you imagine that we'd ever come this far
And the nachas that we'll see might have never come to be
If we didn't know how capable we are

Vhaarev Na Hashem make it sweet for us again
Like the honey that we tasted years before
Because each word is ours to own until we feel it in our bones
And we'll want to keep on learning more and more

Vhaarev Na Hashem, Oy Vhaarev Na Hashem
So Your Torah will forever pierce the heart
Be mesayem and return to the words we love to learn
For we never feel complete when we're apart

Vhaarev Na Hashem Oy Vhaarev Na Hashem
I can sit and learn as hours pass me by
And my gemara, now worn-out I could never be without
For I finally feel that sweetness from on High

Jewish music Vhaarev Na Simcha Leiner Baruch Levine


'בחדרי' גם ברשתות החברתיות - הצטרפו!

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