כ"א תמוז התשפ"ד

"Bein Hazmanim" begins with a tragedy. Bachur drowned to death

Eliahu Cohen, Yeshiva Bachur from Yeshivas Zichron Michael, 20, drowned this morning in Tel Aviv Beach

"Bein Hazmanim" begins with a tragedy. Bachur drowned to death
אסף ברזינגר תיעוד מבצעי מד"א

This morning (Friday) at around 8:00 a.m. bathers spotted the body of Eliyahu floating in the water at the "Dog beach" in Tel Aviv, located near the Sheraton separate beach. People drew him out of the water and began to resuscitate him.

Hatzala and Magen David Adom were called and carried out at resuscitation, the end of which he was taken to Ichilov Hospital in critical condition. Doctors determined Eliahu's death.

"Bechadrei Charedim" learned that after discovering about the terrible news, his parents went to identify the body in Abu Kabir.

Eliyahu was born in Bnei Brak in Elul of תשנ"ה to his father Rabbi Mordechai Maguri-Cohen, and his mother Mrs. Michal (Levi) the home of Levi.

He learned in "Zichron Michael" in Zichron Yaacov. Yeshiva Bucharim and friends speak highly of him. "Everyone always enjoyed being with him, we are shocked," They said to "Bechadrei Charedim"
Neighbors tell "Bechadrei Charedim" that this is a very special family in Bnei Brak. True Bnei Torah.

Eliahu left parents and 13 brothers and sisters.

The Levaya will be today, at 4:30 p.m. in Petach Tikvah. "Bechadrei Charedim" will continue to update at the Levaya.

תהא נשמתו צרורה בצרור החיים.
Tragedy Tel Aviv bachur Yeshivas Zichron Michael Eliahu Cohen


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