כ"א תמוז התשפ"ד

Parents Of Child With Speech Difficulty Get Advice From R’ Chaim Kanievsky

An Avreich recently visited R’ Chaim Kanievsky’s home with his 4 year old son, claiming that the child is struggling with speech- R’ Chaim had some encouraging advice for the parents

Parents Of Child With Speech Difficulty Get Advice From R’ Chaim Kanievsky
שוקי לרר

An Avreich recently visited the home of Hagaon R’ Chaim Kanievsky shlit”a in Bnei Brak, together with his 4 year old son, saying that despite the boy’s age he was still struggling with his speech.

According to the ‘Divrei Siach’ journal, which publishes the chidushim of R’ Chaim, R’ Chaim intuitively understood that the parents are excessively pressuring the child and that itself is causing the child to struggle and refrain from talking. With a warm smile, R’ Chaim humorously told the father, “Er halt shtark in shmiras hadibur”, (he is being makpid on guarding his speech), and then gave the child a warm bracha.

R’ Chaim added: “In Sefer Hachasidim it’s brought down that when a person is created it is decreed how many words he will speak. Angels escort the person wherever he goes writing down everything that he says. Eventually every person will have to give a din ve’cheshbon on everything that he ever uttered. When a person finishes saying all the words that were allocated for him, he passes away. With this, every person should be very inspired to speak as much Divrei Torah as possible, and not dvarim bitaylim”.

As well, in R’ Chaim’s sefer ‘Orchos Yosher’ it’s brought down that whoever is very careful to always speak the truth, through that he is careful from all the aveiros and everything that leaves his mouth will be mekooyem as it says… for just as he is careful to speak the truth, from shomayaim they are also makipid that everything he says should be truth and be mekooyem”.

The editor of the journal points out, that also in regard to shiduchim, R’ Chaim says that a boy or girl that struggle with speech is not a chisaron, and the shadchan does not have to divulge that information. If it’s something that will bother the boy/girl, then they will notice it on their own. Besides, for many people it’s not something that bothers them, and it all depends on the favor that is found (between the couple) according to what was decreed in shomayim.

As well, as the Torah tells us, Moshe Rabbeinu also struggled with speech, and he was still zoche to give over the Torah from Hashem, and all of Kllal Yisroel went by his light.

Translated by Eli B.
R Chaim Kanievsky


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