ט"ז שבט התשפ"ה

Third Annual ‘Hagefen’ Convention: 400 Shadchanim Get Together

400 Shadchanim got together for the third annual ‘Hagefen’ Convention, this year’s primary topic was the many older single boys and girls still looking for their Zivug

  • י"ז תמוז התשע"ז
Third Annual ‘Hagefen’ Convention: 400 Shadchanim Get Together

Four hundred Shadchanim from the entire Chareidi spectrum got together at the ‘Wedding Club’ hall in Talpiyot, Yerushalaim, last week, for the third annual ‘Hagefen’ convention.

This year’s primary topic was shidduchim for older single boys and girls still in Shidduchim.

Hagaon R’ Chaim Shmerlor, Rosh Yeshivas ‘Klal chasidus- Oraysah’ founded and manages ‘Hagefen’, which has the sole objective of finding shidduchim for older singles.

Hundreds of Shadchanim are part of the ‘Hagafen’ network, which in recent years has turned into the last hope for older singles in the chareidi community. The organization distributes an updated magazine every other month, comprising older boys and girls with their full information, to help assist the shadchanim in the field.

Thanks to ‘Hagefen’, in the last year alone B’’H 1,356 shidduchim have been suggested to older singles.
שרוליק ליזרוביץ בועידת הגפן (1)

During the convention, an older single addressed the shadchanim and shared with them the daily pain he endures.

First he shared the painful thought that his friends will soon be looking for shidduchim for their own children, while he is still looking for his own Zivug.

Then he shared the painful feelings that arise on a daily basis when he glances at the newspaper and sees the small box announcing the ‘lucky’ ones that had just gotten engaged.

There wasn’t a dry eye in the audience as the older bochur shared with the shadchanim his predicament; which only served to strengthen their conviction to assist in this avodas hakodesh.
The MC of the evening was R’ Tuvia Freund, and the guest of honor was Health minister Yackov Litzman who came “Just to say thank you to the hundreds of shadchanim for their avodas hakodesh”.

By Moishe Wisberg
Translated by Eli B.
שדכנים ועידת הגפן מעוכב שידוך


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