כ"א תמוז התשפ"ד

Police Detain Organizers of Weekly Left-Wing Demonstration In Petach Tikvah

Police Detain Organizers of Weekly Left-Wing Demonstration In Petach Tikvah Police have blocked off access to the left-wing demonstration taking place for months every Shabbos near the home of the Attorney General in Petach Tikvah- 2 organizers arrested

Police Detain Organizers of Weekly Left-Wing Demonstration In Petach Tikvah
Tomer Neuberg/Flash90

Police Detain Organizers of Weekly Left-Wing Demonstration In Petach Tikvah
Police have blocked off access to the left-wing demonstration taking place for months every Shabbos near the home of the Attorney General in Petach Tikvah- 2 organizers arrested

Police have blocked off access to the left wing protest this Shabbos, in an attempt to bring the weekly illegal demonstration to an end.

For many months now, left wing activists have been organizing a weekly protest in front of the home of Attorney General, Avichai Mendelblit, in Petach Tikvah; urging him to indicate PM Netanyahu.

For months, local residents have been complaining that the weekly demonstrations disturb their Shabbos rest, and turn their peaceful neighborhood into a loud and rowdy place.

There have been weeks when the demonstration drew a counter demonstration in favor of the PM, adding mayhem to the already chaotic square.

This past Shabbos, Petach Tikvah police took action and blocked off many roads and streets leading to the protest site, preventing the demonstrators from reaching ‘Kikar Goren’ where the demonstrations are held.

Two of the protests’ organizers were arrested as they made their way to the demonstration.

“I congratulate the police on the just detainment of the leaders of the left-wing protest”, said head of the coalition David Bitton.

“The time has come for the anarchists to understand that they will not be able to impose their opinion with violence, and that the invalid attempt to pressure the Attorney General through causing much suffering to the residents is unethical and unlawful… I am happy that the move we initiated brought to the end of the demonstrations in the Goren square”.

Many residents are breathing a sigh of relief, and are hoping that the rowdy demonstrations that have been taking place every Shabbos for months right under their window, will finally come to an end.

Translated by Eli B.
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