כ"א תמוז התשפ"ד

8 Injured In Horrific Collision In Jordan Valley

3 American Yeshivah bochurim are among the injured in a tragic accident in the Jordan valley earlier today, 2 of the bochurim are no longer in critical condition, their parents departed N.Y. for Israel tonight

8 Injured In Horrific Collision In Jordan Valley
דוברות המשטרה

Eight people were injured in a horrific car accident in the Jordan valley earlier today.

The incident took place on highway 1, right after the turn off from Kvish Habikah, between the Almog and Arava junctions.

Three American yeshivah bochurim where among the injured, two of them critically and one moderately. The driver of the car was rescued from the crushed vehicle, and was transported by helicopter to Hadassah Ein Karem hospital in Yerushalayim.

The other 2 bochurim were also transported to Hadassah Ein Karem, one in critical and one in moderate condition.

The three bochurim from New York are learning in Yeshivas Mir, and where heading up north for a tour.

The parents of the 3 boys departed from New York to Israel a short time ago.

Before boarding the plane, the parents spoke with the head of the ‘ICU’ in Hadassah Ein Karem, Professor Charlie Wiseman, who calmed the parents and told them that their children are not in a life-threatening situation.

Relatives of the bochurim who spoke with “Bechadrei Chareidim”, shared that one of the bouchrim, Asher Zelig Chaim Ben Rachel is conscious and recovering. While the the other two, Yitzchok Izack ben Sarah Ester, and Ze’ev ben Sima are sedated and on a respirator, but B”H there is no immediate danger to their lives.

Hadar Elbaum, Hadassah Ein Karem’s official spokeswoman told “Bechadrei Chareidim”, that upon arriving in the hospital two of the bochurim where listed in critical condition, but B”H, now their situation has improved and they are listed in severe condition.

Since the families of the bochurim are not in the country- upon hearing about the accident, head of the ‘Yad Avraham’ “Bikur Cholim” Harav Shimon Broin, headed over to the hospital to assist with whatever necessary.

Rav Broin has also been in touch with the families, together with the askan Eli Fried, who is also involved in assisting with whatever necessary.

In the other car, a woman in her forties was severely injured, and was transported with three of her children, who were injured moderately and lightly; to Sharei Tzedek Medical center in Yerushalayim.

Another one of her children was taken to Hadassah Ein Karem, listed in moderate condition.

Klall Yisroel is asked to daven for all those injured in the accident, that they should have a speedy recovery ‘Betoch sha’r cholei Yisroel’

Translated by Eli B.
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