כ"א תמוז התשפ"ד

Urgent Meeting: Netanyahu Headed to Russia To Meet Putin Over Iran

PM Netanyahu flew to Russia this morning for an urgent meeting with Russian president Vladimir Putin over the growing Iranian miliarty presence near the Syrian-Israeli border

  • א' אלול התשע"ז
צילום: אלכסיי גרומוב Alexey gromov
צילום: אלכסיי גרומוב Alexey gromov

Prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu left for Sochi Russia this morning (Wednesday), to meet with Russian president Vladimir Putin over the growing Iranian threat on the Syrian-Israeli border.

The urgent meeting will address the new and unexpected reality that Israel is finding itself in, in which Iranian troops are stationed just 30 kilometers from Israel’s northern border.
Israel claims that the vacuum left behind by ISIS is being rapidly filled by Iran which is desperately trying to spread its influence in the region.
It is believed that Iran has over 2,000 troops in Syria today, who officially entered the country to help fight ISIS and have now stayed on. Many of those troops are stationed not far from the Israeli-Syrian border, posing a grave threat to Israel.

According to reports, there is a complicated negotiation process taking place between the many players in Syria, including the Russians and Americans who are deeply involved in the conflict.

The talks are reshaping the demographics in the region, and as of now, Iran is coming out with a large share in Syria under its control.
Since the beginning of the conflict the Syrians and Iranians have been deeply aligned with the Russians, and it’s believed that the Iranian troops will only stay in Syria if the move is approved by the Russians.
At his meeting with Putin, Netanyahu hopes to convince the Russians that it’s also in their best interest that Iranian troops remain out of Syria.

Last night Netanyahu posted a video on his Facebook page saying: “Tomorrow I will meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin. I will be joined by the Head of the Mossad and the Head of the National Security Council. I will discuss with him Iran's accelerated attempt to establish a military presence in Syria. This attest’s, of course, to Iran's aggression, which has not lessened in the wake of the nuclear agreement. This also presents a problem not only to Israel, but rather to all the nations of the Middle East and the entire world.”

Speaking to ‘Army Radio’ this morning, head of ‘SHAS’ MK Aryeh Deri commented on Netanyahu’s trip, saying that, “this is not just another trip, this is a very important one. An Iranian presence even not on the border with Israel, but in the mainland, is unacceptable”.
Deri further stressed, “The Iranians don’t belong in Syria”.
INN Contributed to this report


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