כ"א תמוז התשפ"ד

Large Brush Fire Burning In Petach Tikvah

A large brush fire broke out this afternoon near the ‘Segulah’ industrial zone in Petach Tikvah, injuring two- 14 firefighting trucks and 41 firefighters are battling the blaze preventing it from spreading to nearby stores

Large Brush Fire Burning In Petach Tikvah
הצלה פתח תקווה

A large brush fire broke out near the ‘Segulah’ industrial area in Petach Tikvah early this afternoon. Fourteen firefighting trucks and 41 firefighters are battling the blaze and preventing it from spreading to nearby stores.

The fire broke out at around 12:00 PM near the ‘Segulah’ industrial zone and quickly gained momentum threating nearby stores.
‘Dan’ region firefighting teams together with the ‘LAHAV’ fire unit, are operating at the scene to try to get the fire under control and prevent it from spreading any further.

Two people were injured as a result of the blaze, and where treated by MADA and Petach Tikvah Hatzalah volunteers on the scene. Authorities have evacuated people from the nearby stores until the fire is brought under control.
Translated by Eli B.

Large Brush Fire


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